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  1. mplaza

    Sending emails with VFP with CDO

    Here you have a guide on how to send DKIM signed emails with mailKit and .net core: Sending emails with .Net Core using MailKit with DKIM signature The c# source to sign the message is included at the end. It's 3 steps - create a DkimSigner object, create the headers, and sign the message...
  2. mplaza

    Sending emails with VFP with CDO

    Try using sfMail - a mail client based on MailKit from Doug Hening that works well with gmail and office 365. Marco Plaza https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  3. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    Hello Antonio.. ah haha you ruined it! [bigsmile] ( thanks for the compliment ) Never mind Chriss.. Marco Plaza https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  4. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    Whoops.. Certainly I did not notice I uploaded a _wmi.prg that has some new dependencies. The repo is now updated with the standalone version, wich I also post below to save the trip: PS: the codeproject article you shared was very useful, it saved a lot of time...
  5. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    Not trivial indeed, but here is the vfp code using _wmi.prg: *---------------------------------------------------------------- * Marco Plaza, 2024 * sample using nfox _wmi.prg ( https://github.com/nfoxdev/_wmi ) * get drive type, letter...
  6. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    You are right.. no drive letter.. but I just shared a tool to ease the tasks you mentioned above! See how easy is to examine any wmi class. Check Win32_logicalDisk and see if driveType / deviceId helps: Marco Plaza https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  7. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    WMI gives all the info.. check above and see "mediaType" - you'll get "Fixed hard disk" "Removable hard drive" "External hard disk" or "Removable media" Marco Plaza https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  8. mplaza

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    Hello Chris, you can get all the disk information ( and any other info wmi has to offer ) in one line call using _WMI.PRG , a short utility I shared. You can get it at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfoxdev/_wmi/main/_wmi.prg just save it and try oDisk = _wmi('Win32_diskDrive')...
  9. mplaza

    Help with IE, not selecting the page properly

    Try this routine to get all the tables from your site: *---------------------------------------- * get html tables from url *---------------------------------------- local owbf,tc,ntable,crows,ccells,coln,ccn,xmltable,tname,table,tablerow,cell curl =...
  10. mplaza

    Getdir() fails to return empty USB-disk

    Seems the link is not valid if it's clicked from here. anyway, better see https://www.vfphelp.com/vfp9/_5wn12pqu7.htm Note: The root help in MS site is: VFP HELP but vfp9help.com has the updated vfpx version. Marco Plaza @nfoxProject https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  11. mplaza

    Getdir() fails to return empty USB-disk

    Just set the "new" dialog style using flag=64: getdir('','','',64) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/foxpro/dsx659xk(v=vs.71) Fixed!: Getdir Hlp Marco Plaza @nfoxProject https://www.github.com/nfoxdev
  12. mplaza


    You are looking for items array, wich is a member of the object in the first row of the (unnamed) root array. Since nfJson always returns an object: myObject = nfjsonRead('["a","b","c"]') ? myObject.array(1) && = 'a' use the debugger to inspect your object and drag and drop any property...
  13. mplaza

    vfp to json

    Hello Dominic, better use nfJson ( just download from https://github.com/VFPX/nfJson/archive/refs/heads/master.zip ) and set path to nfJson folder to start using it. Check this sample using northwind: *-------------------------------------------- * using nfJson to create json * from...
  14. mplaza

    VFPX pj2 conversion to pjx

    The projectExplorer ( https://github.com/DougHennig/ProjectExplorer ) has integrated support for github + foxbin among many improvements over the foxpro project manager. ( A good presentation is available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G43sUwYlDJ0 ) There's no prefefined way to use a...
  15. mplaza

    Open a jpg, mod jpg, close and save jpg

    Indeed GDIX is a fantastic project.. About the vcx.. the page says under distribution files: "GDIPlusX.vcx - This visual class library contains the imgCanvas class and will need to be compiled into your application for distribution, if you utilize this class." - I see it's not needed here so...
  16. mplaza

    Open a jpg, mod jpg, close and save jpg

    Hello Chris, I was referring to the fact that you need to recreate the pjx using foxbin, then build system.app and redistribute system.app + include a support vcx in your project , vs just download a prg based class.. But like you show, of course GDI+X has much more to offer! Marco...
  17. mplaza

    Open a jpg, mod jpg, close and save jpg

    The easiest way is using Alexander Golovlev's gpiImage class ( a wrapper for GDI+); It's available upgraded and documented by Cesar Chalom at https://vfpimaging.blogspot.com/p/gpimage2.html ** using gpiImage Set Procedure To gpimage additive gpinit = Createobject('gpInit') gpimage =...
  18. mplaza

    Sending VFP data to .NET Blazor project

    Depending on your needs a solution is a vfp microservice over http; Check this sample I shared last year on foxite: https://www.foxite.com/archives/rest-api-demo-0000490335.htm and here you can see how to put your service behind IIS configuring it as reverse proxy...
  19. mplaza

    Error in nfJsonCreate in distributable but was working fine in development environment

    thank you Chris.. never mind..! Marco Plaza @nfoxProject https://www.github.com/nftools
  20. mplaza

    Error in nfJsonCreate in distributable but was working fine in development environment

    good! it happens.. specially with vfp and the late service packs that did'nt come with a proper installer. - anyway, thanks for using nfJson..! Marco Plaza @nfoxProject https://www.github.com/nftools

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