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Search results for query: *

  1. bborissov

    INDEX versus TAG

    Sure, But I doubt you need all this indexes all the time. If you need an index JUST for report use SQL Select into cursor and order the information there. And the base the report of the result cursor. Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  2. bborissov

    Getting a USB drive letter programmatically

    You can check what type is the drive with DRIVETYPE() function Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  3. bborissov

    How to add a Letter to datepart

    or 'Q' + CAST(DATEPART(qq, dbo.JourneyHeader.JourneyDate) AS VARCHAR(1)) + ' - ' + CAST(DATEPART(yy, dbo.JourneyHeader.JourneyDate) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS QtrYear...
  4. bborissov

    How to add a Letter to datepart

    Put 'Q' BEFORE DATEPART(qq, dbo.JourneyHeader.JourneyDate) AS VARCHAR(4)) CAST('Q'+DATEPART(qq, dbo.JourneyHeader.JourneyDate) AS VARCHAR(4)) + ' - ' + CAST(DATEPART(yy, dbo.JourneyHeader.JourneyDate) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS QTRYEAR, Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  5. bborissov

    Create Function Within IF statement.

    IF EXISTS( EXEC sp_executesql N'DROP FUNCTION xxxxx' IF NOT EXISTS(.. EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE FUNCTION xxxx ... ' NOT TESTED! Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  6. bborissov

    Rerun Init procedure in a Form

    Export whatever you want to run in separate method and run this in INIT of Form1. Then add a property in this form named RUNNED_FORM and set assign method In Init of this Form: ... thisform.MethodThatYouWantToRun() ... There where you run Form2 DO Form2 NAME thisform.RUNNED_FORM LINKED...
  7. bborissov

    Get Excel Data > 255 Characters

    When importing go to field mapping and make this field varchar(max) Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  8. bborissov

    error in do case command

    I doubt that you want this command. This code just check the result from the current record of the table and acts according to this result for ALL records no matter what is the values of the fields in other records; Maybe this? replace ALL ndcms WITH (nqtyp+nqtys+nqtyn)/1000 *...
  9. bborissov

    Order By not working as Expected

    Nope, ORDER BY works only for SQL result set. It didn't works for the records you add after. If you want ordered curosr with all inserted records you must index the resulted cursor. Also you can use UNION and then ORDER BY but that will not work if you add more records after you get the result...
  10. bborissov

    Calculating differences every two rows

    How do you know which row is first and which is second? Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  11. bborissov

    Some columns in a grid is read-only even when set to false and enable is true

    The whole GRID is readonly. That is why columns are too, no matter what you do. BTW you can access columns through Coluimns property of the Grid For lnCountCol = 1 To lnTotalCol Thisform.container1.grid1.Columns(lnCountCol).ReadOnly = .F...
  12. bborissov

    Can't execute without program

    Did you set this program to be main? Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  13. bborissov

    How to get monther per part id from last date to current date and include remaining date ?

    DECLARE @Parts table ( PartId int, CreatedDate date, LeadValue int ) insert into @Parts(PartId,CreatedDate,LeadValue) values (1234,'20210703',5), (1234,'20211005',90), (1234,'20211105',50), (5981,'20211115',70), (5981,'20211203',60), (6070,'20211212',20)...
  14. bborissov

    How to get monther per part id from last date to current date and include remaining date ?

    DECLARE @Parts table ( PartId int, CreatedDate date ) insert into @Parts(PartId,CreatedDate) values (1234,'20210703'), (1234,'20211005'), (1234,'20211105'), (5981,'20211115'), (5981,'20211203'), (6070,'20211212'), (6070,'20220108') DECLARE @CurrentMonth date SET...
  15. bborissov

    Update...From....Where... doesn't work when the source table is buffered

    If you use VFP 9 there is WITH (BUFFERING=.t.) hint. FROM tbl_source WITH (BUFFERING=.t.) Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  16. bborissov

    Replacement issue in foxpro

    IF thisform.cboBatchType.DisplayValue= 'Pending GRN' && Display Value - Really??? UPDATE ACPGRN SET cGRN = 'Awaiting' ELSE UPDATE ACPGRN SET cGRN = IIF(ACPGRN.nPoQty>ACPGRN.nGrnQtyVal, 'Awaiting', Completed') ENDIF Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  17. bborissov

    Get records using combo box in vfp9

    That means no CASE is satisfied. As I said, DEBUG and see how this code is executed. Copy and paste lcSQL variable value and try to execute this statement in SSMS. Just replace thisform.txtFrom.Value and thisform.txtTo.Value with real values when you execute the statement. Borislav Borissov...
  18. bborissov

    Get records using combo box in vfp9

    DO CASE CASE thisform.cboReportType.Value = 'Pending GRN' lcFldName = "dAdvanceDate" lcCrsName = "_Pending" lcTblName = "Acp_AdvancePayment" CASE thisform.cboReportType.Value = 'Completed GRN' lcFldName = "dPaymentDate"...
  19. bborissov

    Get records using combo box in vfp9

    There is a tool named DEBUGGER. Just step on this and check what happens. What is the SELECT generated? Borislav Borissov VFP9 SP2, SQL Server
  20. bborissov

    Get records using combo box in vfp9

    IF !EMPTY(thisform.cboReportType.DisplayValue) then lcFldName = "dPaymentDate" lcTblName = "Acp_FinalPayment" lcCrsName = "_Completed" DO CASE CASE thisform.cboReportType.Value = 'Pending GRN' lcFldName = "dAdvanceDate" lcCrsName = "_Pending"...

Part and Inventory Search
