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Search results for query: *

  1. mm0000

    Turn off emails

    Click on your account tab (upper right side of page) select 'Preferences' deselect email options.
  2. mm0000

    INDEX versus TAG

    One advantage of creating an idx vs cdx index is that the table does not have to be used exclusively for creating an idx index. So if a table is being shared and you need to create a temporary index for a report or any other reason you could create a idx index and continue. Creating an idx index...
  3. mm0000

    for endfor numeric increment turns to character after 9

    You get the error because you have now created a character field 'I' and also have a variable I. So the program is now checking whether the field I is equal to a numeric value which will give an error because it is a character field. Change the variable name from i to m.i or to something else so...
  4. mm0000

    Update records from another table in foxpro9

    replace (SGG_Final.cProdFty)= 'SFC/VTM/SGL' with allt(prodfty) $ 'SFC/VTM/SGL' as shown in my example. Notice that i used $ and not = .
  5. mm0000

    Compute CRC16 IBM / BUYPASS for Foxpro solution

    mcrc = SYS(2007,"A0000101") && returns CRC16 mcrc = SYS(2007,"A0000101",1) && returns CRC32 Though VFP documents it a checksum but it returns either CRC16/CRC32 . Refer to VFP Help file.
  6. mm0000

    Update records from another table in foxpro9

    locate scan if allt(prodfty) $ 'SFC/VTM/SGL' replace fcty with 'SGL' else replace fcty with prodfty endif endscan If you want to update values from the fcty table, you will need to add the prodfty field to the second table to be able to link and update the fcty field in the first...
  7. mm0000

    Excel Automation (Print option settings)

    Something like: oExcel = Createobject([Excel.Application]) .... oExcel.activesheet.pagesetup.zoom = 80
  8. mm0000

    Compare periods of time within a table

    Modified code which i think eliminates the bug.... USE termine replace ALL note WITH "" && initialize note field LOCATE DO WHILE NOT EOF() STORE RECNO() to m.rec STORE von TO m.von STORE bis TO m.bis STORE location TO m.location STORE event TO m.event IF NOT...
  9. mm0000

    Compare periods of time within a table

    USE termine replace ALL note WITH "" && initialize note field LOCATE DO WHILE NOT EOF() STORE RECNO() to m.rec STORE von TO m.von STORE bis TO m.bis STORE location TO m.location STORE event TO m.event IF NOT EOF() skip ELSE EXIT endif DO...
  10. mm0000

    Type Command

    In VFP from the Tools drop down menu select Intellisense Manager and deselect the 'Enable Intellisense' checkbox. However enabling Intellisense can speed up typing commands. Eg: for 'modify command' just enter mc and space key and 'modify file' mf + space key etc. Plus you can make your own...
  11. mm0000

    can you use onedrive for DBF for networking access?

    I have checked that what I have said works. I just appended 10000 records to a dbf on Onedrive and VFP did so with out any problems. Would I recommend it for a stable solution for an application? No. The OP asked whether she could use Onedrive for accessing DBF's - Yes you can.
  12. mm0000

    can you use onedrive for DBF for networking access?

    Map a drive letter to the Microsoft Onedrive folder. For help on mapping map a drive letter to Onedrive refer to https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-assign-a-drive-letter-to-microsoft-onedrive-in-windows-10/ . Once done you can use the mapped drive letter to open dbf files in VFP.
  13. mm0000

    Using COUNT inside SCAN?

    select tablename scan tempid = userid COUNT TO tjz FOR tempid $ tablename if tjz > 1 locate for userid = tempid replace userid with fixid(userid) else locate for userid = tempid endif endscan
  14. mm0000

    delete contents of field for certain criteria

    REPLACE ALL zip WITH CHRTRAN(zip,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') for len(alltrim(zip)) < 6 **you can replace '!' with any character that will never be in a zip. replace all zip with "" for '!' $ zip
  15. mm0000

    How to avoid a browse window between clicking in a listbox and updating a grid

    change the statement thisform.grid1.RecordSource = "select * from verwandte where nachname = mnachname" to thisform.grid1.RecordSource = "select * from verwandte where nachname = mnachname into cursor cursorname"
  16. mm0000

    Display selected row/s and its file name from multiple dbf

    Since it is showing .tmp as the dbfname, your final select query must be from a cursor and not a table. Put the select statement with dbf(), recno() in the first queries that created the cursor(s) (.tmp files).
  17. mm0000

    Display selected row/s and its file name from multiple dbf

    How did you select the records from the multiple dbf's? Select statement? If so just add dbf(), recno() to the select statement to get the dbf name and record number in the result. Eg: Select *,dbf() as dbfname ,recno() as rowno from tablename into cursor temp.
  18. mm0000

    Handling deleted records – use of index

    SET DELETED OFF when you are searching for the last customer account number so that even if the last customer has been deleted it will find it and add one to the deleted number to get the next number. SET DELETED ON back on after getting the last number. There could potentially be problems if...
  19. mm0000

    Operator/Operand type mismatch

    You have initialised thisform.bz1_sifra.Value with " " (character) and then evaluated it ( thisform.bz1_sifra.Value>0) as a number. Change it to thisform.bz1_sifra.Value # " " or something like that depending on what you need.
  20. mm0000

    Search with / without didractis signs.

    lcAccents = CHR(192) + CHR(193) + CHR(194) + CHR(195) + CHR(196) + CHR(197) + ;&& Cap A CHR(200) + CHR(201) + CHR(202) + CHR(203) + ; && Cap E CHR(204) + CHR(205) + CHR(206) + CHR(207) + ; && Cap I CHR(210) + CHR(211) +...

Part and Inventory Search
