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Search results for query: *

  1. edderic

    Read from textfile

    Thats not the problem : For LineCnt = 1 To 46 0 is the primary key Eric Eric De Decker
  2. edderic

    Read from textfile

    I am a textfile of 8 Mb with line records,if The line = "#CHLI" then the next 40 lines are = 40 database fields and insert to the database (Access). In total 20.000 records with 40 fields to insert,the code is place to backgroundworker buth de insert is 1 hour to do complete !!! The code : If...
  3. edderic

    Time Fields

    How can i with Crystal reports values of time fields with "0:00" surpress ? With a formula ? Thanks Eric Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  4. edderic

    Report Application Server Failed (.Net & CR 10)

    You are missing this : Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo() myConnectionInfo.ServerName = ServerName myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Q-Cycle" myConnectionInfo.UserID = "sa" myConnectionInfo.Password = "sa" Eric De...
  5. edderic

    Running .exe via a mapped drive

    Set de server machine for intranet (netwerk) tot FullTrust. Framwork 2.0 config Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  6. edderic

    SQL Insert Update

    insertcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  7. edderic

    Listview grouping

    nobody that have a sample listview grouping with VB.Net 2005 Beta2 ? Thanks ps:not in C# Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  8. edderic

    Framework and CD-rom

    is there a Class on the frameword to write data to CD's ? Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  9. edderic

    Change dot (.) to comma (,)

    Ho can i change the value 20.35 in a datagridview cell to 20,35 ? Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  10. edderic

    Data Binding Not Writing

    Declare CommandBuilder for Update and Acceptchanges Private bob As OdbcCommandBuilder = New OdbcCommandBuilder(DataAdapter) Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  11. edderic

    Coding a click event for LinkLabel

    Its start the site in de linlabel Private Sub lblWebsite_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles lblWebsite.LinkClicked System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(lblWebsite.Text) End Sub Eric De Decker Visit The...
  12. edderic

    KeyPress on NumericUpDown

    What is now the question ? The ENTER key or validation ! And what is emits ? Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  13. edderic

    KeyPress on NumericUpDown

    Why not : Private Sub NumericUpDown1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles NumericUpDown1.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Chr(13) Then SendKeys.Send(vbTab) End If End Sub Eric De Decker Visit...
  14. edderic

    ADO.NET fill listboxes / comboxes

    Public conn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\QTrace.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;" Public oledbcon As New OleDbConnection(conn) Records tonen : oledbcon.Open() Dim adapterRelaties As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Relaties"...
  15. edderic

    creating a directory

    Dim path As String = "c:\MyDir" Dim di As DirectoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(path) Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  16. edderic

    ADO.NET dataAdapter,update Error

    Like this : Dim commbld As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(adapterRelaties) adapterRelaties.Update(datasetRelaties, "Relaties") datasetRelaties.AcceptChanges() Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  17. edderic

    ADO.Net SQL Server Connection issue

    no thanks Eric Eric De Decker Visit The Belgium "Visual Basic Group" at http://www.vbgroup.org
  18. edderic

    ADO.Net SQL Server Connection issue

    What version of SQL server you works ? If it is 2000 then you most after de servername the servernamaspace like : QUAL-PC01\QUALITYSOFTWARE (you can see this in the interprise manager wat the spacename is) Have you make a windows User ? SQL server 7.0 connection like this ...
  19. edderic

    ADO.Net SQL Server Connection issue

    in my App.Config are the SQLserver settings like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key ="SQLserver" value ="integrated security=SSPI;server=QUAL-PC01\QUALITYSOFTWARE;persist security info=False;initial catalog=Q-Cycle"></add> <add key...
  20. edderic

    VB.Net standard + Crystal Reports

    To Christiaan Baes ! Ken jij de de Belgische "Visual Basic Group" ? ,indien nee ben je welkom en kan je je kennis delen met Belgische programmeurs. zie http://www.vbgroup.org en meld je aan (onze site word vernieuwd en vergeet het lidgeld wat er staat,vanaf Mei is het gratis voor iedereen)...

Part and Inventory Search
