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Search results for query: *

  1. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    and make this change: 'update records ignoring last update db.execute("update job set line_no=" & iCount & " where jobid=1 and line_no>" iCount-1 ) get rid of <> and that's it for me today.. to many brain farts. MrGreed "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.
  2. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    ok, totally retarded ignore my last post of if iCount=lastcount+1 then MrGreed "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.
  3. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    One change: if iCount=lastcount+1 then MrGreed "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.
  4. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    rs.open "select count(*) totcount from job where jobid = '1'" lastcount = rs("totcount") do until iCount=lastcount iCount=iCount+1 if iCount=1 then db.execute("update job set line_no=" & iCount & " where jobid=1") else 'update records ignoring last update...
  5. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    You would have to know somehow what your total count is, or how many records you need to update. If your going to use a loop you need to know when to stop it. MrGreed "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.
  6. MrGreed

    What loads in the status bar?

    I saw the load of something like 60-70 some images, what I saw was mostly spacer.gif, and from reading your question that is also what I had thought before going to the link. MrGreed "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.
  7. MrGreed

    Updating recordset with line numbers

    try: iCount=0 'default it do until iCount=10 'you can replace with your own evaluation iCount=iCount+1 db.execute("update job set line_no=" & iCount & " where jobid=1") loop Is this what you mean? MrGreed &quot;did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.&quot;
  8. MrGreed

    UGH! trying to make a rollover submit button w/o images...

    No Problem just a small change: OnMouseOver="this.style.background-color='red'" onMouseOut="this.style.background-color='white'"> TO OnMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='red'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='white'"> MrGreed http://www.pastame.com &quot;did you just say...
  9. MrGreed

    ASP Email Type Mismatch

    Mail.AddAddress sub_email Is the only one that doesn't use the equal sign. try; Mail.AddAddress=sub_email MrGreed http://www.pastame.com &quot;did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.&quot;
  10. MrGreed


    AndyApp, ASP, is the scripting lanuage for the server and really has nothing to do with SQL. SQL is processed by your database and if there is something wrong with your query it is most likly not executing correctly or you are throwing some kind of exception. What are you using with ASP to...
  11. MrGreed

    Can IMG SRC tag be 'simplified'?

    Try this: <html> <head> <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> var gsPath=&quot;http://this.is.my.server.name/branch/tree/etc/&quot;; //replace with your thumb names, add additional ones as you need var garrImageNames = new...
  12. MrGreed

    CDO problem

    I found a MS help article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=%2Fservicedesks%2Fbin%2Fkbsearch.asp%3FArticle%3D321807 Sometimes &quot;component can't create object&quot; is thrown because you don't have the right security permissions setup. MrGreed http://www.pastame.com...
  13. MrGreed

    Batch execute Recordset

    Just use a begintrans on the connection object objConn.begintrans Do While Not Products.EOF 'For each sub-categories the child products are displayed for that site added Dim Product_Mask Product_Mask = SubCat_Mask_Dif +...
  14. MrGreed

    Stored Procedure error

    change: connection.Execute &quot;up_Update_SBounce &quot; & varEAddr to: connection.Execute &quot;up_Update_SBounce '&quot; & varEAddr & &quot;'&quot; Add the single quotes so your procedure types it as a string. MrGreed http://www.pastame.com &quot;did you just say Minkey?, yes...
  15. MrGreed

    Can I create a class?

    Class Statement Declares the name of a class, as well as a definition of the variables, properties, and methods that comprise the class. Class name statements End Class Arguments name Required. Name of the Class; follows standard variable naming conventions. statements Required. One or...
  16. MrGreed

    Getting the HREF location

    var sTemp=opener.location.href; if(sTemp.indexOf(&quot;Qadsmain.cfm&quot;)>-1){ //your url includes Qadsmain.cfm }else{ //your url does not include Qadsmain.cfm } This will check if indexOf returns a value greater than -1, any number greater than -1 means found, a -1 means your string...
  17. MrGreed

    Should I use ASP or some other technique?

    As stated above you can go with any language. If you are mostly a MicroSoft company and you have IIS readily available I'd stick with a product-line you already are used to. When you say &quot;Access procedure &quot; do you mean a stored procedure you have in access or you have an access form...
  18. MrGreed

    Format date

    <html> <head> <script language=&quot;vbscript&quot;> function FormatSysDate() dim sDate sDate=datepart(&quot;yyyy&quot;,date()) & &quot;-&quot; & datepart(&quot;m&quot;,date()) & &quot;-&quot; & datepart(&quot;d&quot;,date()) & &quot; &quot; & datepart(&quot;h&quot;,time()) & &quot;:&quot...
  19. MrGreed

    Use a button to go to a different page

    tested with IE6.0 and Netscape7 <button onclick=&quot;document.location.href='http://www.msn.com'&quot;>Another page</button> replace the http://www.msn.com with your url links. MrGreed http://www.pastame.com &quot;did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.&quot;
  20. MrGreed

    populate dropdown using getrows

    You'll want to remove the open &quot;(&quot; and close &quot;)&quot; from the if statements also. MrGreed http://www.pastame.com &quot;did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said.&quot;

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