I have reports in a server with crystal 8.5. i m using a Vb menu application project exe to view these Reports.
Now installed in server Crystal 9.0 and saved to this version.
Then I found a problem , that is
the VB application throw following Error Message
Run Time...
Hai All....
I m running crystal report control on visual basic. I met a problem . that is i could only press refresh button and refresh the report control and gve new parameters. but i want Refresh the crystal report window by pressing F5 and enter new values for parameters.
I Expect ur...
Hai All...
I want the details about set Left Outer Join as Crystal Report's Default Join in crystal report 8.5. Any one Know about it, make slove my thread.
Thanx a lot....
Hai All....
I m running crystal report control on visual basic. I met a problem . that is i could only press refresh button and refresh the report control and gve new parameters. but i want Refresh the crystal report window by pressing F5.
I Expect ur valuable ideas & Answers.
Thanx a...
Hai All ....
I have MDI form in Visual Basic . This Mid From have menus for reports. Also i am use crystal report control in vb for show crystal reports file.
I have a problem in this stage, means the crystal report windows shows out side the MID form . How can i show the crystal report...
I have different fields in a table on SQL Server , so i want to create a crystal Report with grouping that report under selecting the field name as a parameter at run time , the report will be grouping based on the Field Parameter as Dynamically on the Report.
I expect ur...
I m using Split fution in crystal reports 8.5, back end as Sql server. I explain my problem as follow:
In purchaseorder table with field name as special_instruction. with in the special_instrction there are & symbols are available.
for example onr record have special instruction has...
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