I suffer from low blood pressure and for me VBA is like trying to write a "best seller" novel in a foreign language - it gets the blood pressure up ;)
Actually I've never been one to learn coding in a new language with the "Hello World!" type manuals.
The Gantt Chart is the basis for a...
Hi Skip!
Yep, still at it. Following on from the other night, it occurred to me that it was rather silly to try and duplicate a command that was already available in Excel (ie the straight connector).
No sooner did I think I had it sorted, when I ran into other problems. Check the code...
I would appreciate it if somebody could help me find a way to determine if a certain control in Excel is still active.
The following line of code in my application invokes the straight connector:
The user then adds a straight connector to link 2...
I thought about changing the selected task properties temporarily as well, but thought I'd try the line thing first. Else where's the fun? I'm a sucker for punishment.
Anyway, its 01h20 here in South Africa. I'll try your other suggestions in the morning.
Thanx so far.
My thinking is however that a line object has no intelligence and that having a temporary straight connector as the "indicator line" will allow me to find out which shapes have just been connected by the user (so I can update the DSM matrix). Once I have that, I'll delete the...
Hi Skip (again)
OK, here is how I select and connect two tasks in the Gantt chart at present:
Option Explicit
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim DSMstart As Single, DSMend As Single 'Variables to identify ID's of Tasks linked to update DSM matrix
Dim FirstBar As Shape, SecondBar As Shape...
Hi Skip
Thanx for the prompt response.
The question is this: I require help with developing the code to allow the user to dynamically (for lack of a better word) add a connector between 2 tasks.
What I should have mentioned is that the drawing toolbar will not be visible or available to the...
I am new to Tek-Tips and a "pliers & wire" (read crude novice) programmer with no formal training in this area (I'm a civil engineer).
I'm busy developing an Excel application to use at the office that has a Gantt chart as one of the modules (you know, a very basic MS Project type...
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