The list is identical to my computer. I have looked at the versions of the VBA.dll and they are different on the client computers.
There is a class in the file that I beleive is being blocked by security settings. I have them set as low as possible on the client computers but I'm...
noviceSoFar: thanks for the comments. I have had that very problem in other software. Unfortunately, none of the references show missing in this application. I'm sure it's going to be something simple. What isn't so simple is finding out what it is.
Nothing exotic. As a matter of fact, it's the dll that is automatically checked in the references when you open VBA. What has me puzzled is that the problem is the same on both computers. One has Office 2007 and the other 2003. I developed it on 2003. The other thing that I think is so strange...
Thanks for the response. Yes, I checked the references and VBA is the first one in the list. The dll's on the client computers are newer than the one on mine but that doesn't explain why the LCase$ function isn't available. It shows in the object browser under VBA on the client computers but the...
I developed an application in VBA for office 2003. I tested and sent it to a client. Works fine on my machine but compiling or running it on their machine give the error "Cannot Find Library". It then highlights the function LCase$. I tried using LCase$ in the immediate window and it gives me...
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