Hi Gerry.
I'm using content control dropdown mainly but I also use some text-boxes and a Image frame. If you have Office -07, it's the controls under the "developer" tab. I put them in the document via controls toolbar and when I right click them (if the control is marked) I get nothing. If I...
Do you mean in the Word toolbar? Caus that function is not availeble in Enterprise. If I right click the tool-bar all I get is questions about the Quick Access tool-bar.
Maby you missunderstood me due to my poor enlish, I do see the code for the whole document, but not for the content...
Thank you so much for your help. I do feel quite stupid at the moment seeing that I don't understand much of this.
I did replace the filenames etc. but.. well..
>>"probably within the AfterUpdate event of your combo box" is soomething I definently missed. How do I do that?
I think there is...
I'm starting to belive that I'm in too deep on this one caus when I used the code, nothing happend. IS there something else I should have done before typning in the code?
// Emm
I'm a beginner when it comes to VBA, but I know that it's possible to get Word to fetch info from a specific Excel workbook by a "If Statement".
I want to be able to use a drop down list in the word doc to choose a alternetiv, and by choosing one alternetive, the if statement goes into the...
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