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Trainee %Achieved1 %Target1 %Achieved2 %Target2
Trainee1 25% 25% 35% 35%
The achieved percentages will be the ones that need amending
Thanks very much but I do apologise if I'm being very dense here (they're sending me on training next month)
I already have the coding that finds it:
Sub GetData()
'prompt for trainee & weekending date
Dim TraineeName As String
Dim WeekEndingDate As Date
Dim rowcount
TraineeName =...
Sorry - been having a very long day with lots of erros and debugs and getting nowhere.
I have created a spreadsheet that has a UserForm which enables a person to imput data. First the macro searches the data that has already been inputted to find if the trainee name is already there. If it is...
I have a form that I need the user to be able to search to see if the data is already there, if it is then the user will need to amend pre-existing data.
I have no idea where to start, I can build a form to input new data but not to amend certain cells in existing data.
Can anyone help me...
I've spoken to the person who wants this and they've decided they're going to manually input the data as there's far too much to try and put in coding now for someone of my level.
Again I would like to thank everyone for all their help
SkipVought - there is a logic, just not a straightforward mathematical one, it's difficult to explain how.
Plus all the goalposts have just changed and I now have percentages relating to different weeks for different teams and skillsets.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions though
No, unfortunately, it's not as easy as a formula - would have loved it if it was! The percentage may fluctuate slightly on a couple of occasions so may need to be amended without me having to go in and change the code. I have three boxes for % which need to be linked to the one WeeksTraining box.
The macro I wrote the above code for takes less than 20 seconds to run whereas when I did the autofilter method, it ran then crashed my spreadsheet.
Thanks for all your help though
Thanks very much for you help to both of you. That seems to work - just I have 52 weeks and different percetages for each so need to build that into the code
Problem fixed - used this:
Sub update()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim I
p = 2
I = Sheet2.Rows.Count
If I > 300 Then I = 300
For c = 1 To 34
For x = 1 To I
j = x + 1
If Worksheets(2).Cells(j, c + 8) = "x" Then
Worksheets(2).Range(Cells(j, 1)...
I have a User Form that I created to be used as an input data form. There is a text box in it that I want to have automatically populated depending on what has been put in another text box eg:
textbox named WeeksTraining has a value of 6 therefore textbox named WorkRatePercentage has a value of...
I have 300 rows and 41 columns which will then populate 34 separate worksheets.
Basically I think I need to check the row for data, if there is an x in the column then copy and paste that row into worksheet. Just not entirely sure how to check a row for data. Got the select row, copy and paste...
I apologuse if this has been asked before but I have been looking and cannot find the answer I need.
Here's the scenario
I have a main sheet which will act as the input sheet.
this sheet is populated with the following info:
First Column - Name
Second Column - Department
Third (section a) -...
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