I am using version 10. I tried exporting the parameter to a text file ... which shows:
%%%%ShowDescOnly 0
When I run the report, the popup dialogue appears and I can select the 3 character city name. What this does though is populate the 3 character city name that I selected...
I have a field that has the first three characters of a city name with a dash and the exact location. i.e. "REG-left wing", which is the Regina office in the left wing. I have created a field that strips everything except the first three characters:
Left ({Work_Orders.Client Location ID},3 )...
Thank you very much Naith. This worked. This is what I originally had:
DateDiff({DD},{Now},{Work_Orders.Open Date & Time})
It did not like {DD} nor {Now}. I see what you did. I am looking in the Help section and still struggling with it somewhat. I have taken "Basic Crystal Reports...
I am new to Crystal Reports and trying to figure out what some of the lingo means. Here is the syntax I need to use:
DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime)
I need to know the difference in days only from todays date (startDateTime) to a work order date in a database, which I will...
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