Hello ppl, and thanks in advance for your help. I have tried to compile and run my app and get the error "Cant find installed ISAM". The app is calling a data base and I have tried changing the providers Jet to 3.51 and 4.0 in an effort to find the problem. I have installed the Jet 4.0...
Thanks Slammer,
I appreciate the help. I've been staring blankly at the monitor for what seems like hours. Whoa,, has been hours.
Again thx for you help
Writing Code is like faking an orgasm, with enough practice even I can do it
Ladies and Gentleman,
Just found this site, and after surfing for an hour or so, decided I really needed to ask where I can get tutorial on using the datepicker. I have an app that calls for the end user to select dates from 2 pickers, it needs to search Access for those persons who fall in that...
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