Thanks but the description I saw there was for calculating linear regresssion. My trendlines are polynomic (predicts where proper focus is). I was hoping for a way of reading the parameters for the polynomial that Access/Chart calculated so I could let Access/Chart do their job and use those...
How can you get the parameters for the equation of a trendline? I need to calculate a specific value using the trendline equation and don't want to ask the operator what the equation is.
I am trying to change the query in a chart so the labels reflect the data instead of being generic but when I run it in the OnOpen event an error shows up saying the RowSource property doesn't exist. Builder says it does and it works on a form but not in a report.
The first query returns the fields with the serial number and the date it was tested:
Field Value
SN 1234
TDate 2/1/02 8:18AM
Result 1.234
The second query returns about 200 records for each test date containing the individual time records with the format:
Field Value
SN 1234
How do you name an SQL field according to a field value found in a previous query? I am trying to give a descriptive name for a column in an exported file that changes depending on the thing looked up. The first queries get the serial number, test date and date, the second query puts the test...
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