Thanks for the quick repsonse. This is the first time I have used a forum to find an answer and I'm really impressed by the knowledge of the contributors.
You recommendation about check the folder for the settings is a great idea.
I found an MS knowledgebase article that talked about the...
When I try to open Internet Explorer I double-click and nothing happens. It is like I never clicked it at all.
I tried to change the security settings just like you suggested and it crashes every time. As soon as I try click on the vertical slider bar I get an explorer error.
I thought I would...
I have a box with some problems I haven't encountered before.
Try to open Internet Explorer - nothing
try to open my computer - %THISDIRNAME%
When I try to run Windows Update I get the message "an active-x control on this page is not safe. Your current settings prohibit running unsafe...
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