Well I need to re-arrange my output in a way that works without doing 52 lef joins.
basicly the output is as follows.
Well I need the following
_____|week1 |week2 |
How can I do this with a select and not do 52 left joins?
...are using the same primary key, which is s_number + cust_number...
Noticed I have in values e.cus_number instead of cust_number. This error is not present in the code and is correct. So for the code written here is should be e.cust_number. Sorry about that. *wishs there was a way to edit posts*
The following code errors with:
ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml activity or a non-deterministic where clause.
Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.
What am I...
Well I guess im having a brain fart of epic magnatude today, but i guess finding the one with the most current active date would be fine. How would I do this?
Like i said, big brain fart today (i need vaca, lol)
My first questions involves union
I am joining months of tables together all with the same fields. I am assuming union would be the best shot? But I need something that is quick.
Secondly when this is all said and done (all 12 tables into one) I need to get the max inactive date, and max...
Everything runs fine. The select without the left join works and the select in the join its self works. Everything as far as i can tell is there. All the table names exsist and all the colomns called are there with info.
I am trying to come up with a demo and everything. But I have to do it on the side, I guess in the mean time I will just work with 5 other tables and one of those being a recursive table (every...
ORA-00904: "ORG"."ORGANIZATION_NAME": invalid identifier
Its there, because if I comment out the lines I said above it works like a charm. Is there no way to compair it to a second table?
Ok this is something very similar to what I am facing, but dumbed down. None of these columns or tables names exist in real life (Very paranoid company I work for, understandable though) but the fundamental problem I am having is like below.
Basically I know I could have done something similar...
Ok I had a question on something. I have a field with names in it, and sometimes it has two.
Bob and Jill
Well I just want to select the name before the "and". How would I go about doing this? Also the "and" could also be "&".
I look forward to your reply
As I found out, but I didnt want to call the person out on it. Im just looking for a way to fix this.
Because if I find a way on this, maybe ill fix my other issues.
I look forward to the replies. Wish I has asp.net 2.0 and the other goodies that comes with it. My problems would have been...
'System.Web.UI.Page' does not contain a definition for 'ClientScript'
Hmm, I am on VS2003 if it helps you out any on this one. I hope im not missing something thats stairing strait at me.
If I do that, im at problem one all over again.
Non of the enable funtions work in the button click event. With or without the java event. Try it out, and you will see.
Well for giggles I tried that out, it doesnt work. Makes since that it should, but it doesnt.
This is what I have ran into with every "Please Wait" thing thus far. I am almost starting to think it cant be done.
If anyone has figured this out, let me know.
Ok I was not able to get anything in the two other threads I started started. So finely I sat down to do something VERY simple. But it seems its broke.
What I want to do is disable the button whuile a query runs to get the download. Well it does that just fine. Excepts it never un-disables the...
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