I have been playing around with this whole date thing for a while. That javascript code that Deltaflyer wrote is great, but how do you use just peices of the function? I want my system to automatically do the month calculation and only show the user the records that were made on or...
Hello there!
I have a select box that allows the user to select records from the last 3, 6 or more than 6 months in the past. The trouble is is that I don't know how to do this. What I thought was maybe get the current date somehow, then subtract 90 from that for the 3 month selection, 180 for...
Hello there!
I have a drop down box with that is populated using a database. This is the code:
<option value="<%=Request.Servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" selected>-- Select --</option>
<% While not RS2.EOF %>
Yup, that is almost what I needed. I added another function to call the first one to get it to do exactly what I needed it to do. Here is the finished code in case you are interested!
<script language="javascript">
function GoNewWindow() {...
You may have to explain this like I'm an 8 year old. So in the 1st part of the function when you declare the dockedwin variable,
1) what does the otherops variable do?
2) In your explanation:
"width="+width+",height="+height+otherops) Where do you specify the height and...
mkay,,, I'm not sure how to implement these suggestions so I guess I'll start with jaredn.
See how I put your code into the function? Is that where to put it? If not, where?
Any suggestions?
<script language="javascript">
function openMe(){
DeptList =...
Hello! I need to know how to change the location of the popup form on the screen to locate itself at the top, right hand corner. Presently, it opens in the middle of the screen and the user must move the popup window manually. Any suggestions?
take a look at my last thread. A few minor revisions and viola! Refreshing without actually refreshing. Let me know if you would like to see the finished code!
Thanks for all of your help!
Hello again! I figured it out (Thanks Link9!). In order to accomplish every thing that I needed to do, it was a matter of timing, literally. I created a new select statement within my program and used this Quit select to call the updating Javascript function. To call the quit, I refered to it in...
GirlFriday here.... I asked this question today as well, but I tried the .focus() and it didn't work. The only noticable difference (that I can see) is that the error box now is greyed out, although it still works.
That is true, but the parent window that I opened, opens the child window and then back again, so I don't think that security will come into play for this particular example. The info is going where it is supposed to go, but it's that extra, annoying step of manually refreshing that's the...
Hello! I have a popup window that updates info in a database, closes and is supposed to refresh the table in the parent window. It works, except that the user must interact with a warning box to continue. I need to get rid of this box. Any suggestions?
My code to date is this:
I was forgetting the () at the end of the statement. You are seriously helping me out of a HUGE jam today, Thanks! Another vote for you! (a small repayment for all of your help!)
Hello! I am almost there! I just have to figure out a way to get rid of that automatic refresh error that makes the user "Retry" to get the new info. Maybe that is what you were talking about a little while ago. I'll give it another go and post the code (if it works!) Thanks again!
mkay,,,newbie question,,do I put this in the parent or the child window? I've tried both but they don't seem to work. Is it because I'm using them in a select statement?
Thanks again for the tips Link9! This is a HUGE help! Yer great!!
Your friend, GirlFriday!
Why two forms? The only thing that I really need is a user ID to be sent from the parent form to the child form. Once the updates are done to the database from that child form, the update button is clicked and the parent page is automatically refreshed with the new info from the database. Should...
Hello again! I need to know how to refresh a parent window, using an update button from a child window. This button will update info to the database, close the child window and go back to the parent window, having the parent window showing the new info that was inputted from the child window...
Well, it may take a few minutes to incorporate this into my asp file, but it seems like it might work. Thanks, and as soon as I get it working (or not), I'll let you know!
Hello there! Here is my problem... I have a parent window that is populated with information from an Access database using ASP. I used Jsavascript to open a pop up window that again is populated with information from the database. It also gets a user ID from the original form (1st window). My...
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