Dear friends ,
I just installed VFP6 with MSDN in a WIN2000 PC . When I start Visual foxpro , I am not geting access to the items under 'Help' of the main menu bar - i.e. Help Topics , Contents , Index etc. are not enabled.
Please advice me how can I make it active.
Thank You Very Much Mr.David for your response to FPW issue I posted ,
1, Application is 6 year old , it was started with Windows 3.1
2 . Application was running under Netware first and changed to NT4 later . With NT4 I had this problem very
rarely , not as frequent as now .
3. Stand...
Dear friends , Please look in to the following problem and I would appreciate if anybody could help me out.
My application is developed in FPW 2.6 , running on a Win2000 advanced server , clients are W9x and Win2000 .
The issue is , the application is teminating automatically , or sometime it...
Dear Friend ,
This issue is not because of Win2000 , it is because of faster processor . You need to own load foxpatch and apply the patch.
Tnaking You
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