Thanks to both Mark and bperry for your solutions.
I was able to use Mark's in my current need and it worked perfectly.
I will be able to use pberry's solution in the future.
I need to know if this can be done
Calculate the last day of the month for a calculated date
(I want to calculate the end of the month, 45 days from today.
SQL version 8.00
I have this in a select statement
CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (dd,45, Getdate()),112) as contend
This produces 20020607...
Thank you to all of you for your prompt help.
I did have a lot of them and they weren't in every cell.
SkipVought's procedure worked in my case.
I appreciate all the help.
I have comments attached to some cells in column B of a spreadsheet. Is there a way to move the comments to a cell of there own in column C, where they would be data and not comments?
I am using Word97
I have a mail merge document that will have some records produce 1 page and others produce 3 pages. When I look at the merged document, I see that each data record produces a section. So, I have some sections with 1 page and some sections with 3 pages.
My question is this...
I am using SQL server 2000. I have a query that finds people who will turn age 21 in two months. So in Nov 2001, I am finding people who has a date of birth 01/01/1981-01/31/1981. The query is set up to find those who have birthdays were +2 months, -21 years from current date. I need to...
I need to find people with a bringup date two months in the future. So, if my query is run today, 08/01/2001, I need to find those with bringup dates 10/anyday/2001.
Is there a way to write that without having to enter the range of dates as below?
genDependent.FTStudentBringUpDate BETWEEN...
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