SQL=" Select * From tbl_customer_support "
SQL = SQL & " where op= '" & operator & "'"
if operator is a string. If it's numerical then your code would work if it contained valid data.
Always, always validate data before using it.
Hi Steve,
I don't know what language you're using but I wrote this little vbscript function that I run on all user-entered data that will be used by SQL. It will make sure that exactly two single quotes exist where as many as 100 existed previously but you can change this to a more sane level...
I am using a SQL full-text index search and I'm getting the ADO error: "ADODB.Fields error '800a0cc1' ... Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."
The reason I'm getting the ADO error is because SQL Server is producing the message...
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