Now that this post is completely off topic ;)
I just toss in a little javascript snippet if I want to redirect post header(I suppose you could make this a function if you use it a lot)...
<script type="text/javascript">
Thanks a lot... I ended up using preg_replace_callback to make the function call and replacement more streamlined... but it works :D
Not to mention I looked at the pattern description a few times and it still made almost no sense ;)
$pattern = "/\[cn\](.*?)\[\/cn\]/";
$news =...
Sorry... address there is the currently working, but archaic old site... new one is still under construction so it's under the subdomain
I've successfully used str_replace(blah,blah,blah) to parse "tags" in news article posts for the website I'm working on( But now I need to take the tags a step further... This clan(Yeah... I'm in a gaming clan) has started divisions... and the divisions have their own...
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