I need to convert a access 2000 db to access 97 db in a production application. I would like to run a access macro or VBA code instead of going through the menu tree to do the following:
Input access 2000 db c:\mydb2000.mdb
Output access 97 db c:\mydb97.mdb
I need help in creating a macro that will convert a Access 2000 db to Access 97. I tried using sendkeys with %T,d,t,p as arguments but was not able to save the converted database using sendkeys. Any help would be appreciated Could I use RunCommand-> Convertdatabase? Example would be nice...
The majority of the files I export from Access applications
need to be in Tab delimited no quotes around text fields format( files are fed to SAP scripts which reqiure them to be tab delimited). I have too many file formats to create individual export specs. How do I change the default values in...
I have a call center log with dates. I would like to determine the fiscal month ( which is different from the calendar month ) by checking if the date falls between start of fiscal month date and end of fiscal month date.
Any suggestions?
We have several MS Access applications where we create text files from MS Access. We use macros to create the output file. However each new file overwrites the previous one. Can someone help with either VBA code or Access query that would add the data and time stamp to the output file name...
Thanks. I tried this as follows:
num2: IIf([num1]>0,Format([num1],"0000000") & "+",Format([num1],"0000000") & "-")
However if num1 is -3 I get -00000003-. Works great with positive numbers.
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