Thanks that works realy cool
I often wonder why valuable features are missing from access, things like rounding numbers random number generator and the file name path.
Thanks again
I want to put the File name and path into a report footer, in Excel =Cell("Filename") will cause it to display the full path and the File name.
I want to do this in an Access Report ???
I had a similar problem
In the field on the data the months (field called Period)were 1,2,3 to 12
I needed the Col headings in the crosstab query to be
Period 01, Period 02, Period 03 to Period12
What I did was write a make table query that read all fields of the original table as they were...
It worked and with a bit of experimenting I was able to use it. (as I haven't used SQL for some 15 years)
This has had me puzzled for a year
Thanks for the solution
I have a table of equipment item numbers I want to be able to randomly select five records to a report for a serviceablity test of the item number.
ie randomly selecting items for an audit.
At present I export all the records where the last service date is less than 12 months from todays date...
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