I'm very new to Delphi and I have a problem I've been struggling with for two weeks without solving it.
I'm getting two error messages when I try to view MainFrm
which is defined in unMain.pas and unMain.dfm.
I have Delphi 7 Enterprise Edition
The messages are:
Class TGauge not found...
I understand that packages can't be installed, but can the following be used in some way to add controls to the IDE visual editor:
unit Whatever;
... { declare your component types here }procedure Register; { this must appear in the interface section }implementation
... {...
I don't have Delphi 7. I have Turbo Delphi 2006 and it doesn't allow packages to be added. There is some discussion in the reference manual of using the RegisterComponents procedure, but the instructions as to exactly what and where in Gauges.pas that code should appear are not at all clear...
I appreciate your trying to help, but I really have no clue what "go from there" means. I got to a menu with a huge list of dpl files, none of which were GAUGES, so I still really have no idea how to register the TGauge control.
Thank you.
The main form doesn't come up, but could this be because
some of the components referenced in the form are not registered?
I took your advised and started a new project and sure enough TGauge was not listed among the available controls.
I did find gauges.dcu in my Delphi library...
I'm new to Delphi, so please forgive what may well be stupid questions.
I've inherited a project that was originally written in Delphi 7.
The project file is called promain.dpr, but I believe that the main file is unMain.pas with a corresponding form unMain.dfm, which is the main form. The...
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