Most of your newer switches are going to support what is called auto mdi/mdi-x meaning you won't have to worry about crossover cables.
your setup as described will work fine.
even if you end up with older equipment you can make it work with a crossover cable.
as a good general rule take the lower numbers first. the tests and testing material will build on the what you've learned in lower # exams so it's ideal to do it that way.
Good Luck
my new biggest pet peave
the phrase.
"nothing works"
if you help us (give us more details) we can better serve you.
ipconfig /all
what does it tell you for each of the machines?
>"Where's the beer?"
come on man there are kids present.
Hmm 14. best thing you can do is talk your parents into buying you a non dell non compaq non proprietary computer (buyabs, or other whitebox OEM machine) take it start messing with the software aspect of it.
my take on the MCSA is I don't really need either of these I just what something for a resume.
the first time i get turned down from a job cause i'm MCSA not MCSE i'll fork out the rest of my money and take the other 4 tests (more for me cause I'm using my A+ and Net+ for the elective)
I would stick with the 2000's.
Why? well unless you have a company that you know made the change to XP (i don't think there are many) the XP stuff is in vain (IMHO) so Stick with the 2k thats what most companies are doing. (from what I hear and see)
the name rexbur does that stand...
Holy cow!!
if you want a nice couse in networking go hit that site
I know what I'm doing tonight (and the next night)
I wathed one and it was great.
I think that is stretching you IT man just a little to much.
depending on company size that is but If i had to do both things just wouldn't be good on one of those bad weeks were everyting goes wrong and you have power outages and what not.
have you looked at the MCSA stuff. you...
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