This normally occurs when you are using grids that have filters in Versions of VFP prior to VFP 8.0. YOu don't really give much information so it is hard to ttell what else may be going on, but I have applications with 200+ concurrent users that do not show this type of behavior.
In addition to what the others have said, there is a FREE documentation utility for FoxPro, written in FoxPro:
This is freeware and is distributed with source code so you can easily modify it to do whatever you want.
Andy Kramek
Visual FoxPro MVP
Is rv_services used in a combo or list by any chance? Usually this sort of error occurs when list is trying to access a source that is not available...
Andy Kramek
Visual FoxPro MVP
The fact that the desktop is showing up, with the form inside of it suggests that the form is NOT actually using ShowWindow = 2.
If your config.fpw file does have SCREEN=OFF and is being used, the only way that you could get the VFP desktop back is if you have this code somewhere in your...
>>Made a decision to keep all VCX'x on C drive. Life will be simpler that way.
It's not just a question of WHERE the VCX's are, it's a matter of where they are IN RELATION to your application!
If you create your forms on a different drive from the VCXs that define the classes used, then you...
>>And often have two or more of these formats in the same city, county, and/or zip code.
Sounds like you need to get yourself a proper Address Checker. I believe that the best one around right now is called AccuMail - it does an excellent job of sorting out precisely these issues as well as...
>>Unfortunately that is the problem, they are not on the same drive as noted above
The you have a problem! The reason is that VFP uses relative paths to locate referenced files UNLESS things are on different physical drives in which case it includes the drive letter.
Really the only thing to...
Just change teh DSN which your remote views are using - you don't need to change anything else, since presumably the data structures and names are the same in the new server as onl the old.
Andy Kramek
Visual FoxPro MVP
>>For example, one originally want to input "ABC" i/o " ABC". And I just want to trim all leading space (previously in valid event). Any hint?
The issue is that, as I said, any change you make to the field's value will cause VFP to see this as changed.
One option is to add a property to the...
>> I'm using the function GetFldState() but it always return me a value "2"(=field has been modified) even though I didn't change the value at all. What I've done is just clicking on the textbox which has CursorSource connected with that field.
I agree with Mike, this is not default VFP...
>>How do you join the structures of two tables (say mytable1 and mytable2) into a new table?
You can do this in a number of ways, depending on the situation. Probably the simplest is to use SQL to create a new table directly from the contents of existing tables:
SELECT [field_list] FROM...
>>Ok, I tried what you said, and it does look the same, but i was looking at them in step by step debug mode and it displayed 2 totally different sets of results?
What you get for the characters above 128 depends on the font. I would guess that in VFP 6 you have the debugger set to use either...
>>I want to record the NID field as the bound column BUT show CDESCRPT as "text" in the combo box when an item is selected.
A combo box always shows the content of Column 1 when it is in the closed position and there is no way to alter that. So the only solution is, as Geoff said, to reverse...
>> always used gcDefaultDir=sys(5)+sys(2003)to have defaultdir to the location my exe was started (in normal on C:\). Now I tried same but on D:\somedir
This seems not to work. What is wrong?
There are three properties on the VFP Application Object (_VFP) that relate to this:
And here's one for any version:
FUNCTION alltrimcr( tcInString )
IF tcInstring = STRTRAN( tcInString, CHR(13)+CHR(10), '')
*** Contains only CRLF
RETURN STRTRAN( tcInString, CHR(13)+CHR(10), '')
*** Now check the end of the string
lcStr = ALLTRIM( tcInstring )
>.In order to close the form B, i need to close form A and only then i can close the form B
Sounds as if Form A is holding a reference to Form B. If that is the case, then you need to release the reference in Form A before you can release Form B.
Andy Kramek
Visual FoxPro MVP
>>Since the philthoms also posted this the the 2.6 forum
STRTRAN will not work in 2.6
Really Dave? Since when has it been broken? This is from the FP2.6 Help File....
Searches a character expression or memo field for occurrences of a second character expression or memo field, and...
You could use STRTRAN() but you would have to specify each code explicitly so use something like this:
FOR lnCnt = 65 TO 90
lcCode = "(" + CHR( lnCnt ) + ")"
REPLACE ALL [field] WITH STRTRAN( [field], lcCode, '' )
Andy Kramek
Visual FoxPro MVP
You cannot mix ascending and descending keys in the same index key. An index is not a 'sort', so the ascending / descending applies to the whole key, not to individual elements.
If you want the Client ascending and and the Order number descending use a tag like this:
client + str( 0 - order...
The reason you are getting an error is that you are adding "myproperty" to your data object with this code, not to the form:
SELECT "table"
AddProperty(oTable, "myProperty")
The correct code is:
SELECT "table"
ThisForm.AddProperty( "oData", oTable )
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