Take a look at the "Line" property in "FileSystemObject" properties, in vba help.
There are many ways to manage lines.
This maight be an easy one.
Hope this helps.
Hi Sam, tanks for replying.
Yes, I've tried that, but all the methods included in that page assume that it's still possible to open the damaged file.
My problem is that my file is "Untouchable". I mean you cannot open it neither with macros enabled nor with macros disabled. As soon as the file...
Thank you Steve.
I think that at last I'm going to buy one of those expensive softwares that fix this kind of problems.
Next time.... backup :-)
PHV thank you for replying.
If I could restore the backup I would have done it 17 posts ago :-).
I've no backup of that file. I know, it's my fault, but...
what can I do now?
Hi MiggyD.
Thank you.
I know that method, but unfortunately what I need is to recover the userforms (all the wb is made by modules and userforms and the sheets are empty (no formulas or data).
So, what I'm hopelessly looking for a method that allow me to recover (or extract or copy) the...
Hi Tony.
Thank you, but... it doesn'work.
The code runs completely but no file is recovered in
my "RecoverPath ".
Perhaps is it possible that all my vba code (modules and
userforms) have been deleted or not saved by excel during last exit? (it would represent a very serious bug for excel but i...
Here I am Tony.
1) My workbook doesn't open at all neither with macros enabled nor with macros disabled. ( A message informes me that there has been an error in module Excel.exe...).
2) Trying Rob's solution the problem was that it didn't run properly.
Here's Rob's macro
Hi Tony.
I tried the method and, unfortunately, it didn't work.
By the way, what I need to recover is the vba modules and vba userforms (code and controls or, at least, the code) , while there is no problem about the sheets contents.
I hope somebody knows a way.
Please help me.
Thank you
Hi guys.
I have an excel 2000 wb userform in which I have a textbox with many keys disabled via the KeyDown event
(If Keycode=... than Keycode=0).
I did the same thing with the windows key (I mean that key with the Windows logo which activates the start menu).
It works only after I manually...
Thanks a lot Tony. I'm trying your method as soon as I get back home to my computer. I'll let you know if it works for me too (I do hop so..).
Thank you
Hi guys.
Steve, unfortunately my most recent back up is not so recent....
PH, I've tried to open it both with macro enabled and disabled.
Moreover, I tried to open it from I.E. as an htm page, from word and as a sylk file.
In all cases it didn't work and, anyway it wouldn't recover the vba code...
Hi everybody.
I have an enormous problem.
I've built an excel 2000 workbook with a lot of vba code, modules and userforms.
All of a sudden, one day, I tried to open it and NOTHING!!!!
A message appeared (and still appears each time I open the wb), saying something like this: "an error occurred...
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