Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for. I also appreciate the link. Another good source of information.
Have a great day! [wavey3]
Can a form be closed based on an input value in a text box?
For example, if it a date is entered that is >=date() then display a message for a specific length of time (6 sec) then close the form.
dhookom Thank you so much, this worked perfectly! I had an event procedure to flag input personnel that there was no data, and this prevented the count to display on the report. Once I used your statement and removed the event procedure the report ran as expected. You made some auditors very...
An audit requires a report be printed to display a total number of records for a specified time period. If there are no records for the date range I have envoked a message box to display indicating such, BUT they want a report to print that there were 0 records. AUDITORS!!! Currently, I get...
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