but nothing's changed when I deleted the <html><body>. Now the header is in the very beginning, but still have the same problem. and another fatal error is the function headers_list() is undefined. So anywhere I may change the header?
Thanks advanced.
this is exactly what I did in the file.
<?header("Content-type : image/png");
header("Content-type : image/png");
I check the header_sent, and it says TRUE. but the header_list() is a undefined function. And after that, whatever header I want to send causes parse errors.
Is it an apache question? I'm using php 4.23, apache 1.3.27 /NT.
oh, yes, you are right, I don't script a header since it always says a parse error when I write
header("Content-type : image/png");
is it because I configure wrong?
$id = imagecreate(100,100);
$red = imagecolorallocate($id,255,0,0);
it seems the format doesn't match. But the gd version2 doesn't support gif any more. What should I do to see the picture? Thanks.
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