I am able to do all of this in bcb6 just fine, but I cannot figure out how to do it in the 2007 version. Basically, in bcb6 you create it, and it tells you it has to rebuild the package, and it does, then the new component shows up. In 2007, there is no ‘install’ button like there is in bcb6...
Looks like my array is going to need to be seen globally now. Before it only exsisted inside the StringGrid1Click function. Where do declare something like that so it can be seen by everything... just up by where I have my class defintion and function prototypes?
I dont see a main() function...
Also, It looks like a writeGrid function would be helpful. Something that would just rewrite what I have in my array in the order it is in to the grid. I could just call the write after I sort. As I have it now, I read in the file and write it to the grid (and the screen) in ths StringGrid1Click...
void StringGridClear(TStringGrid *StringGrid1)
Then I have this...
void __fastcall TfrmMain::sortLocExecute(TObject *Sender)
Just to test, but it doesnt do anything.
I dont know if this will matter or not, but at the moment I read in and display...
I got the buttons to work, they do what they are supposed to, but the pictures just dont show. Dont worry about it though, no biggie.
I wrote a function to clear exactly like you did. I made a menu option that is supposed to call it, but nothing happens.
What exactly is the function header...
Couple other little things while you are at it...
Can you resize the fixed column width in tstringgrid?
I tried to make some buttons that would go through the records, but I couldnt get the images to come up. I was using imagelist, and i thought the images were built in, but I may be wrong.
Ok, I will work on this for the time being.
I was also thinking about writing some sort and filter functions, unless they are already provided.
Also, the way I was going to do the filter and sort was to clear the string grid and then re-write it. Is there any simple way to clear it?
I really appreciate the help man.
The idea of the program is to just be a data viewer. I have a db file with just a 'tag' and a value. The text file could best be called a cross reference file. It contains a tag as well (I am assuming every tag in the db file will appear in the Xref file). It...
I am reading the data that is in the string grid in from a text file, and displaying it. I am not filtering the data in the DB grid.
I think merging the two grids into one is exactly what I am looking for.
In case it helps, let me say exactly what I currently have. I have a string grid with some data I read in from a column. I also have a .db displayed (DataSource linked to a table linked to a TDBGrid). I would like to somehow merge them. Either into a tdbgrid or a tstring grid. The easiest for me...
I have figured out the things in my previous post, but I have another major question.
I am using a TStringGrid. I would like to take a column from a .db file and put it into the string grid. If I could do it just that easily, that would be great.
However, if there is a way to convert each...
Ok, so I made a program in regular c++, that reads in the file the way I want. It uses a class, arrays, functions etc.
Where do I put all that within borland?
Can I even do that?
Where do I put class definitions? (in bcb I have main.cpp and main.h)
If I want to have a button that will read...
I prety much figured out reading in the file. Here is a more clear version of what I am talking about, hopefully it isnt just more confusing.
I have the db file already displayed in the app. I need to read in the txt file somehow, through an open dialog I guess, and store it somewhere. I would...
I am working on a project where I have 2 files, a .db file, and a .txt file. The DB file contains a 'tag' and a 'value'. The txt file contains a tag, and other info, like location, units, etc so you know what the value means. I need to read in the txt file and the db file, and display them so...
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