Thank you Hypetia !
I had already tried to put a global HWND hDialog in my program and put my hDlg in it and it never run !
But when I did it, I wasn't sure it could!
As you said to me that it was the solution I insisted in this way and I succeded to do what I wanted to do!
I realized where...
Thank Hypedia for your reply !
Let me sumarize what you said.
You want me to create a HWND global variable:
HWND hDialog=NULL;
then in my main function to do that:
int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPTSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow){
/* declaration */...
hi there!
I'm struggling with an issue and I hope someone could help me!
Actually, I'm trying to edit every time a static text in a dialog box edited in my ressource file.
Because I'm using the rc file, my static text isn't linked to an HWND variable. It only has a reference...
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