I need a bit more explanation, help me understand where this is going. Cant I just search columb A and when Bill and copyright are found it will return the range from bill to copyright A:H. The Bill cell and Copyright cell although is located in Columb A specifically although Bill is repeated...
This is a macro of the cut and paste, but does not include the search and find to locate the beginning and end of each invoice.
Sheets("PDF 1").Select
Application.Run "test.xls!PBA"
End Sub
Ok, this is how it works so far, I pull an invoice off the internet using adobe pdf (my only option as far as I know, there is no option on the website). I then convert the pdf to text format and import it into excel.
I have to pull specific information from each invoice in which I did in the...
Now I feel a bit insulted, maybe this was too much to ask. I dont recall even asking for code, I asked if it were possible to do and how. Maybe you did not read the prior posts. I dont like asking for help, I like figuring things out on my own, specifically for this reason. I did look into...
Ok, this might help. I get the invoice from the internet, the only way I can pull the information is by using Adobe PDF - which is why it is in text format. I take the pdf and convert it to text. If I change the format now, I will have to start the entire project over. I was hoping to work...
I can easily put the data in another format, but it still seems the same type of formula will be needed. I still will need to search and find the "Bill" and cut it then paste into another sheet. Please dont try to determine its use, it is a piece of a lot of other data which is why it must be...
Can anyone help tell me if it is possible to do what I am asking to do?
This is part of a lot of filtered data, and this is all I have left in developing a new process for our accounting dept.
It seems like a very basic operation to develop, maybe I am wrong, maybe it cant be done.
In the attachment you will find three invoices that are consecutive vertical text documents converted to excel. I need to automatically seperate each invoice into a seperate sheet. The only thing consistant between each invoice is they all start with the word "Bill" and end with a copyright...
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