Thanks Once again! The second option you gave me worked. BUt the first one did not.
Could you tell me why or what is wrong with my query that does not work?
I Appreciate it!
No Greg.. The homephone field can't be null on that table and I've already "manually" tested and found the records that are NOT in the guesttrack_clean table. I searched for homephone numbers that ARE in the WWTester table and NOT in the guesttrack_clean table..
Its weird that the IN...
Hello all,
I had this query working for 2 years with no problem and now, all of a sudden it can't find the records anylonger.
The Table "WWTester" has 17 records. I have a query that reads:
SELECT WWTESTER.homephone, WWTESTER.firstname, WWTESTER.lastname
Perfect! The Code worked good Golom. I wanted the condition in the result. Thats why I posted innitially that access was changing it.
Star for you!
Question: how does the "1=1" works in the IIF statement? It will make it <>False?
You are right. is part of a query. Its a big one bit here ir is:
SELECT CP_main.caseID, CP_main.dept, CP_main.computercode, CP_main.complex, CP_main.reservation, CP_casetype.casetype, CP_main.gstLname, CP_main.user, CP_main.dateopen, CP_main.timeopen, CP_main.Immediateaction...
Still gives me the same msg "the expression is too complex to be evaluated or was not typed correctly..".
What happens is that if the option group [frame37] is selected on 3 (the value=3), therefore, according to our code, would return anything for [CP_main].[datesolved]. well, it returns only...
I'm trying to make this criteria to work in a query that has a datefield called "datesolved". The Criteria points to a opened form that has a group called "frame37" with 3 options. The value "1" if selected should return only the NULL values in the date field. If Value is "2" should return...
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