the output of command (mminfo -av -r "name, level, ssbrowse, ssretent") is the same. But networker doesn´t automatically change mode of volume to recyclable.
Networker doesn´t say:
09/03/03 21:30:10 nsrd: media info: Deleted 2080 KB from save set 4283755911 on volume test.001...
thank you for your answer. I tried to add "-l full" parameter but the result is the same as before. I tried to backup the save set automatically by scheduling the group (schedule: full backup every day, browse and retention: one day)in GUI and the result is the same as by using...
I have the same problem with volume's expiration. I use Sun StorEdge Enterprise Backup Software 7.0 (Legato Networker 7.0) on Solaris 8. I backup the filesystem by the save utility (save -b pool -w browse -y retention -s server filesystem). When the browse and retention policy was expired...
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