Exactly. So as it is the Party Line is already set up, but the fella wanted it so the other ones would ring still even if there was a call going on. But! There's already plenty of ways to tell if there's a call happening and if the security guy doesn't hear the medical or supervisor person...
As I found out yesterday with some testing and experimenting, jaxuser was right. MCR would basically allow the same set up currently, but allow it so that if another 2911 call was placed the EXT's would ring again and allow the other phones to pick up that other call.
So I'm making this thread today because at my work we've got an interesting request.
But first, a little explanation.
Here at work (We use the CS1000 Phone system btw), we've got three different phones set up at three different buildings, all three phones having Single Call Ringing on the key...
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