Well, I found the answer this morning. I just got back my access to patches on the new Avaya website and found out that a new SUsystem patch was out, dated at New Year's day. One of the point describes exactly my problem, saying that VOiP tandem switching with a PRI does not work on the BCM450...
I already had a destination code 43 with absorbed lenght at: all, using route 002 wich uses pool:BlocB (my PRI) and a SDT added with code 43. There must be a small something i forgot, but i can't find it. Unless it's something about the Pri itself? Bell is the provider of the PRi. But it...
Well, it might not be such a red herring as incoming calls for local DNs are accepted by the BCM, so there's no problem with the VOiP links per se.
BCM monitor was a very good idea. I see that the BCM receives the call with the destination code (which is 43). The incoming VOiP line is red and...
BCMs talk to each other via VOiP gateways. Destination codes are programmed with the ip adress of each system in the network. A remote access package has been assigned to physical lines (when it applies) and active target lines. Destination codes span all available digits (2, 23, 41, 42, 5, 6...
My client has quite a few BCM connected together through VOiP trunks and use tandem switching. Many sites have toll-bypass configured.
One of them was upgraded from a 0x32 with copper lines to a BCM450 with PRI. Toll-bypass worked before the switch but won't now that the new system is up...
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