maybe R5C will solved my problem but it is not feasible to restore the displayfunction by pressing some keys. german users are spoiled :)
here are the firmwareversions the currently installed
CAA1580026 R5B EXE
CAA1580027 R2E...
I`ve no knowledge about R5C. I thought R5B is the current final release!?
We have introduced the TSWSP7 about two years ago. For all devices the year of production is not before 2011...
i`ve an issue whit freezing displays and disappear fonts at the first line of them. This issues is unique to firmware version R5B. I´ve a couple of R4G devices whitout these problems. Is there a chance for downgrade to version R4G?
regards Heiko
i think this won`t be work. i mean you can´t use an pelpi whit a groupnumber. Pelpi needs a dirr, not a grp.
...and an odn´s pelpi will not used für calls that incomming to the groupnumber.
i have the same problem...
sorry for my english ;-)
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