Your last post got me to thinking that I had not tried the most basic thing before I go out and spend money on a new card.
So I shut the system down and powered it off once again this time removing and reseating the FLT-8 card and the cable that attaches to it.
There didn't seem anything...
Thanks all for posting.
I had already tried swapping the telco lines to see if it was the lines or the card.
After I swapped the lines the problem didn't move it was the same two ports on the card so it is not the telco lines.
Also when I do call the lines I do see the yellow port light flash...
Two ports on FLT8 card no longer answering incoming calls.
The system is an Octel 250 connected to a Centrex system not a PBX and after the system was rebooted we noticed that 2 of the 8 ports in the system were no longer answering calls.
Callers just keep hearing ringing with no answer.
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