I think I'm there!
Basic config below. Please forgive the rough edges and the chunky looking access-lists.
All suggestions helped, and the link from Burt was useful but I think I was onto that already. I think the key was using extended access-lists to manipulate traffic a bit more subtly...
I've been playing around with extended access-lists to see if I can deny certain traffic from getting routed out based on its destination. No luck yet but still trying. Here's the sh ver:
Router#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(15)T7, RELEASE...
Lack of experience and knowledge and trying a million different configs to get it working. I've made the ammendments you've suggested and it does at it did before. Thanks.
However, after further testing, I have found that I can get the darned 871 to do either one thing or the other (it would...
Right, I've just about got something working but I can see that not having access to the gateway routers is going to be an issue. I set up a testbed with RIP and that worked well but have found out that RIP is not configured on the gateways I will be using. What I have so far is:
Thanks for all the replies - I'll bear them all in mind.
I don't think I explained myself that clearly so soory for confusion.
The gateway routers are seperate devices that I have no control over. They have fixed IP addresses and all I can do is send traffic to them. I want the Cisco 871 to...
I hope someone can help me with a Cisco router problem. Essentially I think I need to route between VLANS but I will expand...
I have a Cisco 871 router with advanced IP services. I specfically chose this router becasue of the multiple VLANS available and need to do the following:
I have...
Thanks, I think I realised that but did my maths wrong and confused myself. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that?" moments! Great idea and cheers for responding.
My only dilemma now is that the ADSL routers are managed by the ISP and we can't change the internal IP address. I think an...
Thanks again. Some interesting comments here.
I can see what Burtsbees is saying - the switch ports might be just layer 2 ports and I'll not be able to configure them as I wish. A bit of research found this article:
Seems like...
Thanks for replies!
Well, the specifics of the subnets are irrelevant, but let's say:
1 windows server on each subnet and I need to get clients to see certain apps on each server from each subnet. Apps aren't important as they're easy.
I need to implement this...
I've been trawling the web for days and cannot get the answer I need. I wonder if anyone can help?
I need to communicate between to subnets on my LAN. The ideal solution would be a layer 3 switch - too expensive. Another would be a Router On A Stick configuration- still too...
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