Hello Folks, I wonder if any of you clever people can help me?
I am setting up a Word questionnaire, and I need to use a very large number of Option Buttons. There are a number of properties I want to change (~5, the same for each button) to get them looking good, and so I was wondering if it...
Hi James,
I asked a similar question a couple of months ago and got some superb responses (thianks Rob B and SBB!)
The thread was called "Using VBA to search filenames for namematch then take data from file" and the number was thread707-469222.
In summary of that thread, you really...
Heh heh heh Good method - avoids violent punishment of the PC for Microsoft's sins...
Yeah, I'm getting around to thinking that creating a new workbook and copying it all over may be the only option - I had been hoping to avoid it though!
Ah well, thanks for the help guys
Hi Geoff,
Darn, I was so sure those ideas would work! But they didn't... :-(
Am I going to have to resort to copying worksheets and code manually?
There's a point...if I copy sheet2 into a new file will it take the troublesome code with it or will I get a nice blank sheet2 opject?
I'd been selecting the text and trying to delete it...
It's not in a module, it's in the Sheet2 object so am I right in thinking I can't delete that?
Hi guys,
Rob, I tried your nifty trick, but Excel still froze (Task Manager calls it "Not Responding"! (-:)
Any other tricks or tips? I guess at worst I could copy the entire workbook minus those few lines into a new one...
Skip, good point! This was definitely of my doing though...
Will you always be putting the data from Excel into the same place in the Word document?
If so, something like the following might do the trick...
Note. first you need to have set up bookmarks in Word at each place where you want to insert excel data. Give each bookmark a different...
Hello folks,
We are having a weird problem here...
In one of the sheets of my workbook I ended up with a...
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
End Sub
...by mistake. I don't need or want it so I tried to delete it. Problem is, whenever I try...
Hi Chris,
Yeah, the debug.print was supposed to be commented out - that was just in there to check I was picking up the right data (before I added the writing to cells bit)
One way to speed things up might be to go through the text file storing data in an array, then just stick the whole array...
AAARRRGGGHHH...I've just realised what hte problem is. I'm so stoopid :-(
XL evaluates the conditions in order, so the problem was that condition 1 was over-riding the second part of the OR() in condition 3. I have now swapped conditions 1 and 3 around and it works fine.
Sorry to have caused...
HI Geoff,
Sadly that is not the problem :-) (I wish!)
I'm beginning to think there's just a perculiarity in my file - it's a humungous one with tons of code and weird things have been known to happen with big files!
I've just tried a few things out with a brand new file and they work fine...
Hi combo
I tried your suggestion - unfortunately it doesn't seem to make a difference. Excel happily accepts any of the versions (i.e. >0, =0, =true) we've tried so far I use separate conditions, but not if I try to combine them using "OR"
MyCell is the result of a count, so it will...
Hi Chris,
How's your VBA?! This is certainly do-able with VBA but I don't know if you can do it just with the macro recorder.
A couple of questions - how many columns of data are there in the text file, and will there always be the same number of columns?
Assuming you don't have many...
Hi Ken,
Yup, having to use workarounds is bugging me!! Still can't fathom this one out...but it occurs to me that I'm using Excel 97 - did 97 support this kind of stuff??
Hello again guys...
Combo, thanks for the suggestions, I went through them all, however the problem remains. I thought it was to do with the > rather than anything else - so I tried a workaround which was to have a hidden "binary" cell P1 which outputs 0 if MyCell = 0, and 1 if...
Thanks guys, that makes a lot of sense. However....I can't get it to work!! I've pasted the "Formula is"... formula I've entered below...can you see what I've done wrong?
...I want to produce a Red background
i.e. =Q8=3 --> Red
=Q1>0 --> Red
This is an "OR" type realtionship so I think I need an
if(Q8=3, *turn red*, IF(Q1>0),*turn red*,*don't turn red*)
type of thing but I don't know the syntax.....
Thanks in advance...
Cheers Andrew, I had actually only sussed that out yesterday, so it's a point worth making, hence the star!
The problem in my code was the the "CurrentRow" variable I had defined and passed to the second function referred to the real row reference i.e. in the spreadsheet as a whole...
Yikes! It's like a different dialect of the same language isn't it?!
I think I follow that code - I'll have a go as soon as I get chance and ask again if I can't write the code properly. Thanks (again!) Rob -----> STAR!
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