I have a single field for type of each number. Maybe my question is not clear... I want to chose to display for each contact only certain type of number. For example , for the contact john smith I want to display is work number and pager number, for Mary Jane I want to display her cell phone and...
I have a database for our company contacts. Each of of my contacts have several phone numbers. I would like to choose from a combo box, like in outlook the contact phone number that I want to display for earch record. Do you think its possible??
Thank you PHV.
I look at your document and I created the table necessary for a many to many relation. My action table and my contact table are link with a table that contain both tables primary key. My contact form contain a subform that show the actions related to a contact id. My problem is...
I have a contact form with an action sub-form. My action sub-form is link with the contactid field. I want to add a combo box called secondary contact. Then I want the action to be displayed in both contact.This is where I am gettin lost.Sorry for my pour English...
I have a database with contact that have actions related to them. My problem is that a contact can have many actions and an action can be related one or two contact. Is that a many to many relationship?
This code is used to update a text box with the value from the column 1 of a list box. Everything worked until when in the name of the field I have the ' character. Then I get a syntax error! I must have a typo somewhere...
for example this will work:
G:\Public\Dossiers\BRUN16\R.Brunet Annexe...
I am trying to move all the files from a folder to another one using VBA. Any good plave to start? I read some stuff on moving files but I need some help on how to move mutiple files at a time. Thank you!!
This code is part of a procedure to filter my record base a combo box.
If Not IsNull(Me.FtlTypeDoc) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(right([Linked_Doc], 3)= """ & Me.FtlTypeDoc & """) AND "
End If
Linked_Doc is a path to certain files and FtlTypeDoc is a combo box with a list a extention...
I only have one column to my combo box. I did add what you said but I still get this stupid parameter box with the title being the record that I choose in my combo box:
Private Sub FtlUser_AfterUpdate()
Dim cuser As String
cuser = Me.FtlUser.Column(0)
MsgBox cuser
Me.Form.Filter =...
I have a combo box name FtlUser. I want to apply a filter with that combo box but I get a dialog box asking me for a parameter. Probably a simple mistake....
Private Sub FtlUser_AfterUpdate()
Me.Form.Filter = "[ActionFor]=" & Me!FtlUser
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Thank you !!
This is my final code and it work:
Private Sub btnGoToContact_Click()
Dim con As Long
con = Me.ContactID
DoCmd.Close , "Actions"
Forms![Main]![DisplayPanel].SourceObject = "Contacts"
Forms![Main]![Menu Options].Value = 1
Forms![Main]![DisplayPanel].Form.Filter = "[Contact ID]=" &...
Thank you, the first step work perfectly but my filter gives me an error message. Its look like the form "Contacts" is not activated yet so I cannot filter it.
I have a form called main that I use for a menu on the left side of the screen. I use an option group with the following code to navigate between different sub-form that are use to display information:
Select Case Me![Menu Options]
Case 1
Me![DisplayPanel].SourceObject =...
Thank you all this is my result
SELECT qryContacts.[No De Contact], qryContacts.[Contact(Nom/Prénom)]
FROM qryContacts
ORDER BY qryContacts.[No De Contact]
SELECT Users.UserID, " " AS Expr1
FROM Users
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