I search google and I've found this, but its a c++ and it's a .dll, and I don't like to use dll's.
Daddy your at the peak, your a delphi elite.
Could you please make it simple, just as I want too.
And also, I test it on my...
Great Daddy, I think you've overcome the power of google.
I test the code and it shows me in the right direction.
Could you please make it simple, why do I have to click the Button to see the display filename.
What if I click/select the filename and it shows on the form display...
How is it going, is it hard? unfortunately the power of google cannot help, where are the so called "delphi geeks"?
Waiting more than the power of google.... the "delphi savants
Yes I have some part for mouse hook: I found it in torry's delphi page.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, AppEvnts, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
ApplicationEvents1: TApplicationEvents...
What You See Is What You Get
Never underestimate tha powah of tha google!
Well I don't see the power of google, I search the whole, nothing came.
If you can answer that with a simple code, you got the power, a delphi power.
I have attach an image file, I hope with that you will know what I mean.
thank you for that, but i dont need the editbox, it is a windows hook application.
my delphi application is running.....
i open my drive, [drive c], i go to windows folder, clicked the notepad.exe without opening it.
i switch tab to my delphi app,
in my delphi form caption, it...
Yes delphi rules, thank you for that. But you got it wrong.
my delphi application is running.
c:\windows\help\access.chm was mouse left down [and is not meant to open]
the filename[access.chm] displays on my delphi form caption.
i hope you got the point.
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