Hi Guys,
I have a script that connects to cisco kit and runs a show ip int brief.
It gives me info like this in an array:
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up...
Could that error be happening because its already been set?
Its showing up in the running config..
ip nat inside source list NAT_ADDRESSES interface FastEthernet4 overload
Your config would look something like.
conf t
vlan 200
name MyVlan
interface vlan 200
description MyVlan
ip address
no shutdown
#sh ip int brief // should show you if the vlan is there and if its up.
Or a simple # sh int vlan 200
Hi Guys,
I hope someone can help.
Im trying to get a Get-Vpn up and running.
I have a Keyserver running and it shows a client connected ( remote cpe )
However whenever i tell the remote cpe to use the encryption map all connectivity then stops.
Its connected to my Keyserver but i can no...
Hi guys,
I have a odd question i suppose.
I have a bunch of routers all talking OSPF to each other. Sometimes our carrier buggers the connection and OSPF goes down ( But vanishes from SNMP ) so cant use that to poss if a link is down.
The interface stays UP UP as its ethernet and its local...
hey guys, I really just cant figure this out.. ( lil new to perl ) :(
Anyway, i have a script that does several things to a database, However i need a dynamic name to print out..
Rather than
print "September";
I need perl to look at what month is it now. ( October ) then go back one...
Hey guys, Im having a nightmare of a problem.
I have a fairly large database and need to generate some useful graphs at the end of each month via a crontab.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get dynamic data from sql to a GD graph and then save the graph as a .png etc for use...
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