Classic asp app: wanting to port .asp code using fox2.6 dbf tables from iis5/2000 to iis6/2003, but the the tables are not found. Would changing the conn string from vfpodbc.dll to vfp ole db solve this?
How does one delete "another" user's Task List reminder from C# app?
some info I stumbled on...
Task View - User
Reminders hand-entered in the Task List window.
These reminders can be checked off as you complete them. Separate sets of User notes are stored for each user within each...
Automated" MySQL backups - had trouble getting this to produce the backup .sql file, but finally got it to work - key is that when setting up the backup job within the MySQL Administrator gui to set the Account information window's username to root (username default was a different username, so...
Win2003 - setup automated MySQL backups via the Administrator.exe (v1.2.12) gui - this created scheduled tasks.
The scheduled tasks appear to run, but there's a cryptic
error message in Event Viewer...
"The description for Event ID ( 1 ) in Source ( MySQL Administrator ) cannot be found. The...
Never mind - the key's value was a query that was rather long, so the bottom of the prompt window wasn't visible until I maxed-out my pc's screen resolution - once I did that I could "see" the Yes / No buttons at the bottom of the prompt window.
C# VS2005 project - I changed an app.config user setting via the Solution Explorer's Settings.settings gui (grid), and then when I subsequently open the project it keeps bringing up an informational screen which I cannot get past unless I close the project! The message is "Value of setting...
We acquired some pre-owned PocketPC scanners recently. One of them seems to scan better from a further distance than the rest of them - is there a way to adjust (tweak) the scanning distance?
FoxPro 2.6 - Want user to select a printer (via PROMPT), then have multiple reports generated/printed to that
same printer (which is NOT the user's default printer).
Below is the code snippet I tried using - the problem is that the first report prints to the printer the user selected, but the...
Can you control the location where a panel appears,
in relation to another panel?
Desired sceanrio:
I want 1 panel as a "header" panel whose width is 100%
the majority of the time. On some occasions there's
a 2nd panel I want to appear to the left of it, having
a width of 10% - I want the...
I have a linkbutton click event that displays a datagrid within a panel's placeholder. That works well.
One of the datagrid's cells is also a linkbutton, which provides more detail via a table
(swaps datagrid out, table w/details in). The detail has a "back" linkbutton - when user clicks it...
...triggering IsPostback event, then radiobutton clicked event.
3) next step desired: radiobutton click causes 1 of 2
possible outcomes:
* some radiobuttons are to display a listbox
(to narrow subset of desired records)
* others just display records associated with the...
thx Chip,
I checked the .dll version numbers (which do auto increment)
when I discovered the change wasn't taking in production, and they both are using the same version#.
Any other ideas welcome...
Tweaked some C# code. The tweak works in test (stepped through it okay), but it's not working in production.
Any idea's ???
I know this is somewhat vague - just looking for a list of several deployment "check this.." considerations to rule out.
Determining count of array (1 dim) elements (words within a string) - which is better approach to use: .GetLength(0) or .Length ? Is one approach better than the other, or only marginally?
See code snippet below:
string[] MyCheck = mystring.TrimStart().Split(' ');
int MyItemsCnt = 0...
in a nutshell (another person is working on this, not me)
log shipping transfers trans logs to secondary server, but
restoring the trans logs on secondary server works for awhile, but then seems to hang.
What could cause this? nonlogged transactions? anything else come to...
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