I think there are a few people up the line that are very smart and bored. I really can't see what storableedit adds except complexity (converts text to a compliled storage format, then uncompiles it to display). You can no longer edit the data on the fly. It does allow you to pull...
Hi All,
I have an application that displays Perl TK data files, and now the requirement has come down that we must use the 'storableedit' procedure to store the data. (storableedit 1.5).
From what I understand this is kind of like a 'mini relational database', which saves files in a Perl...
Hi all,
Has anyone seen a quick and dirty example of adding a graphical image to a button in Perl TK? All I have is this monstrosity from the 'widget' module, which is like learning to drive the space shuttle to get to the mailbox.........
use vars qw/$TOP/;
sub icon {
Basically all I had to do was add this line before the OPEN statement:
untie *LOG;
and everything works fine.
Sorry, the title of this posting should be "?Error: Can't locate object method OPEN via package Tk:Event:IO on...
Hi All,
Has anyone ever tried to use a variable for a file handle, as in:
OPEN ($file, "/home/working/logname" )
where $file changes, meaning the handle can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 depending on what the variable $file is.
I have a program which opens a tailed log file, and works perfectly well...
Sorry...there is a batch program that is system called that writes to the logfile while it is running, and when it is finished it renames the log by adding "_complete" to the end.
The program scrolls the logfile on the screen as the batch prog is running, then when it finds the file ending in...
## This subroutine creates a scrolled window
## which displays the contents of a log file
## as it is being written
open (LOG, "tail -f -n 25 ${batch_script_directory}LOG_$_[0]|") or die "Tail...
************************* EXCELLENT *************************
$mw-> update; in the loop
That did the trick!
It checks the IF line.
As on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, "It's always easy if you know the answers".
kudos all around.
The problem is that the IF code never gets checked. Perl TK hangs on the line MainLoop; and waits for you to click a button or object.
If you put the IF code in the program, it will only check one time through, then go to MainLoop and wait for you to type or click something before budging.
Has anyone out there seen an example of having a block of code execute when a file is deleted or renamed?
Basically I need to do this:
if ( -f "file_complete" )
{ print "The process is done! Press B to
continue\n" }
The problem is the way TK works, you have this "MainLoop" line...
Hi All,
Has anyone ever ran a program in the background with a system call:
$status = system ( "run_program&" );
and then wanted to know when it finished? I have looked at articles on fork, wait, and waitpid, many of these appear to be the same obscure paragraph repeated over and over...
An excellent module. However, we don't have it. Unfortunately every module that doesnt' come with the current purchased version would have to go across reams of desks and rubber stamps. Envision something like getting a bill through's a huge company.
I could email up...
...background, maybe? Still tinkering. The resident guru mentioned "fork processing" but then he left for the day. Since I work until 7:30 tonight, it'd probably be a good idea to solve it before tomorrow..........*sigh*
1st law of Contracting- Always know everything in advance of...
I'm not sure if this is what I'm looking for. At least, I assume first that you are supposed to take the module out of the download, reference it in your program, and then call it on a file. It didn't work for me it wasn't able to read the log file.
What I need is...
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has seen a good example of this out there somewhere.
I am calling a program from within a PERL script using a system call:
system ( "run_program 1>LOGFILE" )
The program writes entries to the logfile, and takes about 5 min or so.
What I want to do is have a...
Hi Group,
This has been quoted by several Perlots? as "impossible", at least without having to go into OS system level calls. Has anyone out there heard of an option flag or module to turn off(hide) the _ [[ X in the upper right hand corner of a TK label or window?.
Appears to be nothing in...
I have found Panes to be the object of choice in a lot of situations. They are simple, quick and do the job well.
As they say in the Perl community, "there's 100 better ways to skin a cat......but at least I'm getting it done"......
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