It's from ODBC Programming perferance:
To execute a SELECT statement more than once, the application must call SQLCloseCursor before reexecuting the SELECT statement.
So i think it's not necessary to free the Stmt.
To teriviret
I think it should have no effect. SQLFreeStmt with SQL_CLOSE just close the cursor on last record set.
I tried free the hDbc, and realloc, it works.
I want to place the SQL script maked by SQL Server Analyser into a c program, but a SQL statement can not include more than one statement as "Create Procedure", is there any way to execute a SQL batch include more than one "Create Procedure" statement?
To execute a SELECT statement more than once, the application must call SQLCloseCursor before reexecuting the SELECT statement.
SQLFreeStmt with option SQL_CLOSE is equal to SQLCloseCursor.
IonFilipski,Thank you!
I have try your idea using SQLExecute instead of SQLExecDirect, but the problem is still there: after my second SQLExecute, in my SQLFetch circle, I cannt fetch all record, after i fetch the nth record(yestoday n is 9, today it's 37), the (n+1) fetch cannt step out--the...
how to place TCheckBox in TListView?
In a ListView of vsReport, I want a column implemented by
TCheckBox? Is it possible?
If not, which other is good way to implement this?
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