guitarzan - that did work and returned "nothing found"
I played around with it a bit more and found the problem. The problem appears to have been that I didn't specify the first and last names have to be UPPER. It's never mattered in any other query, but apparently having the text file as the...
Sorry, I'm not familiar with vbscripting. I'm getting an error that says Object Required: 'Server'
' Set up the query
strEmpLastName = "Stroud"
strEmpFirstName = "Mel"
strEDOB = "1973"
' Connect to your DB and open it...
Set dbConn3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rst10 =...
Good question xwb. The database in question is really a text file so I'm guessing everything is a string.
We have a 3rd party software application that stores our membership as a text file (.dbf or data dictionary format if that means anything). We need the data in realtime so we have to use...
Thanks for replying. I get a permissions error when using MsgBox so I'm not sure what I should expect to see.
response.write strsql gives me: select mem_id from mem where RELATION = '01' and (DATE_OF_BIRTH like '1973%') and (LAST_NAME like 'Strou%') and (FIRST_NAME like 'Mel%')
I'm using classic asp with a text (flat file) database that doesnt like searches using "like" or left(field,N) so I'm trying wildcards.
I'm looking to see if a person exists in our database already and trying to account for typo's. The search is looking for partials on first and last...
So if the files are on another server i can use \server\c\inetpub\folder\folder\uploads\? I've tried this and it still gives me the path not found error.
I'm trying to use the virtual directory setup in IIS but that's not working either. I've given "Everyone" full control of the share on both...
I changed the /downloaddirectory/ to /X:/ and I get this error:
Server.MapPath(), ASP 0173 (0x80004005)
An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
I also have a virtual directory in IIS that points to the location of the files. I'm using...
You are correct. intMyID is the variable the ID is stored in and is the only part of the name that is known. This ID is assigned to the transaction when it is submitted by the user and is appended to the beginning of every attachment the user sends.
Does that answer your question?
Not sure if I have the correct forum for this.
We have a website where outside customers fill out a form that gets submitted to a SQL database, they can attach pdf or txt files to the data they are submitting. The attachments are stored in a folder on the webserver. Each submission...
Hi foxbox
The live databases in this case are flat (text) files with an extention of .dbf
Original connection:
' Create and open the database connection
Set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set dbConn2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConn.Open "DSN=Reports...
...statment that is getting data based on a partial field match. Not sure if i'm explaining it correctly so here is an example.
strSQL = "Select * from MEME where MEM_ID = '" & strMyMEMID & "' AND LEFT(MEME.PLAN_CODE,3) <> 'ORT' AND LEFT(MEME.PLAN_CODE,1) <> 'V' and MEME.EFFECTIVE_DATE <'" &...
Thanks for the responses.
The dates are char(10) and the /'s are always present in the dates for this app. There are several dates fields in this table that have these issues.
some examples from the data:
I can change the external site, where...
The dates are always in mm/dd/yyyy, but sometimes the month and day are not 2 digits (3/4/2010) which breaks the above code.
I'll give this a try, it should work for 98% of the data.
Thanks for the help.
...format and i need to change it to 19910414. I'm pretty new to ASP and I inherited this app from the previous IT person.
strSql= " Select * from enrolldep where enrollid = '" & strEnrollID & "'"
Set rst2 = dbConn.execute(strSql )
reccount = 15
do while not rst2.EOF
reccount = reccount + 1...
Figured this out myself. Seems I supressed the running total (not the shared variable) in the subreport which for some reason made the variable not display in the main report.
I moved the running total and variable to the details on subreport and unsupressed. Now the variable is displaying...
Im using CR 8.5 with ODBC connection to tables.
I need to pull a total from the subreport into the footer of the main report. The subreport will display the correct amount when run by itself but displays 0.00 in the main report.
I have tried just putting the subreport in the main...
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