Yes it's embedded voicemail. The vendor is going to send two new harddrives and we'll just restore a database onto those. Believe it may just had been corrupted when the mirroring of the hard drives went bad.
I checked the voicemail call routing and everything appears to be correct. I can go into my own voicemail and press * i can put in someone elses voicemail box number and leave them a message. but any direct calls do not make it to the callee's mailbox, the voicemail is just forwarded to my own...
Have a 3300 MXE using 7.1 that has active voicemail boxes but call forward to voicemail is not acting right. If an internal call is no answer/busy the call forwards to voicemail but to you're own voicemail box and not the person you are calling. External calls end up in auto attendent. I...
You know the maintence logs does list when and who puts it into night mood but as far as pulling smdr on console activities as you would do a phone user is my question now.
When you add a console phone it doesn't show an option to add a class of service to the console. Is it in the ip console...
Yes that is what we ended up doing. In the beginning they said they had all the vlans and ports tagged and what-not. I told them that if they have dhcp servers at each location that they needed to add those options. But the client insisted that since the ports were tagged for vlan 5 (voice) that...
we have a 200 mx connected to a POE switch. The client has a metro fiber ring and right now have 3 locations on it. They are using on controller for all locations and decided to put a vlan up on each of the hp procurves. Their IT guys set up the vlan up themselves.
At the location with the...
Category Name Faulty Disk
Alarm Level Major
Total 2
Unavailable% 50
Minor Threshold 50
Major Threshold 50
Critical Threshold 100
Does this mean one of the hard drives is faulty? I believe that it does and if so the system will...
Got another situation here. We are using prairiefyre 6110 customer contact manager software to deliver call accounting reports to the client. In some reports the numbers appear to be inconsistent. What we found out was that in prairiefyre calls after 5pm are counted twice. The only change that...
Have an issue with call hold timers. in the class of services we have them set to various times. ACD has 360 before ring back, some have smaller hold timers, what's going on is that calls are ringing right back all of a sudden.
We have two switches, one is the primary and the other is just a...
We have two console- attendents at a location and there are having an issue with night mode being turned on before closing. Now when someone call XXX-1000 one or two of the attendents (ext 1513 or 5001) will answer the phone. They are using the 5550 console sets plus the PC application as well...
Thanks for the input, I got some clarification on what is suppose to be happening. The cisco router has a csu/dsu card in it.
Now where I'm stuck at now is the physical cross connecting part. I need to take another look at the panel because there should at least be some wire wrap pins or RJ...
I had a service call to extend a demarc from a telco room to the customer sweet. What I found was a DDM2000 with a DSX panel that terminated on a 66 block. From my memory when dealing with T1s is that 1) there is a smart jack to plug into or 2) a CSU/DSU to plug into.
What happened was a tech...
Thanks, I got it to work. 1200 is the main number that is dialed at the location in question. The auto attendent options are on the 3300 the old switch. I just created a ARS for 1200 to the 3300 from the 200 and calls were able to be connected to that number. We are in the process of recording...
we have a 3300 on site and i want to put in a route so that when someone calls xxx-1200 it will route them to the vmail box in the 3300 from the 200. I just need a little bit of instruction on how to make that happen. I was able to add 1200 to the form but beyond that i'm trying to figure it...
I have a Mitel 3300 MXE with 7.1 software.
It's going to replace a LX at a client location.
My question is do I have to install the software on the primary HD before I install the RAID controller?
"CAUTION: You must install only the first hard drive, with the
installed software, before you...
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