Any ideas on how to extract a part of a date, I need "7" form 2007, "8" from 2008, and so on. I have been using the below which has worked well until now:
AnyString = DateField
MyStr = Right(AnyString, 1)
NewValue = MyStr
While all is ok when using the date format "DD/MM"/YYYY" all the...
Hi, I'm afraid that I've got another question:
Is there any way I can create a report that can show or hide the document data as shown below:
I have a TextBox with then below Control Source:
="Doc. Number:"+[Doc]
The idea is that when [Doc] TextBox (which is not visible) has a null value or...
Hi There,
This may be a quick question.. I've got a report in which I have a textbox that has to gater info form a few textboxes
Text88 which is a text
Text89 which is a number "000001"
Text90 which is a text
The Text box that must gather the said info is as below:
=[Text88] & [Text89] &...
Thanks GingerR,
First of all, I thought I could make things simple by changing the names of some fields in my first post, while the idea is still the same, the field names change. I can post you a query SQL but it’s a bit long.. The biggest problem that I have is expressing myself without...
I’m presently going through a brain storm and would appciate some Ideas. Let’s hope that I can clearly explain myself..
I’m working on a small DB that handles the in/out of stock for which I have two Tables: [Entry] & [Dept]
The [Entry] table basically has the same fields as the [Dept] table...
Thanks guys,
Sorry for not coming back sooner but it's been a busy week. First of all thanks for the feedback, After trying the all differnt things I got hold of a 128A/B.ttf font that does the trick. All I've got to do is to make sure it actually works with the gun.
Once again thanks for the...
Hi, I've got a problem with a SendKeys {ENTER} macro. This macro has always worked smoothly, but after installing Access 2007 on the same machine (alongside Access 2003) the stated SendKeys macro has stopped working.
I get an error stating:
The SendKeys action requires the Utility Add-in to be...
I've just created a hyperlink to a from that opens a simple notepad, it's ok except for a message that I cannot get rid of:
Opening "Notes.txt"
Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your computer, click only those hyperlinks from trusted sources. Do you want to...
Thanks for the feedback, I've tried using the US date format but without any luck. I'm gonna have to go through the code again. To be honest I'm not 100% sure why the us date format makes any difference, I've got a few DB's with date queries and codes that work perfectly and the date format is...
...rstHolidays As Recordset
Dim Idx As Long
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim NumDays As Long
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim NumSgn As String * 1
Dim TotalHolidays As String
TotalHolidays = 0
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstHolidays = dbs.OpenRecordset("Holidays"...
Thanks for the reply,
Here's a copy of the SQL:
SELECT Taxi_Service.WOrder, Taxi_Service.Id, Taxi_Service.Oper, Taxi_Service.Ref, Taxi_Service.Code, Taxi_Service.VesselName, Taxi_Service.Voyage, Taxi_Service.Trip, Taxi_Service.Rank_1, Taxi_Service.Name_1, Taxi_Service.Sirname1...
Hi Guys,
I've go a code that edits data in my [Taxi_Service] table:
Function Crew3_To_Crew2() As Variant
Dim db As Database
Dim Table As Recordset
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
Set Table = db.OpenRecordset("Taxi_Service")
Table("Rank_3") = Forms!Taxi_Service!Rank_2
Table("Name_3") =...
Hi, I'm having a bit of a brain storm
I have a really easy table with only 3 fileds [Name], [From], [To]. The name filed is text, while fileds From and To are numbers.
Lets say I have a couple of entrys like the ones below:
Name From To
John 1 20
Simon 70...
Hi there,
How can it be that I get an input box when opening my report? I'm trying to get a sum by using =Sum([Text60]),
but all I get is "Enter Parameter Value" [Text60].
The [Text60] parameter exists in on one of my reports footers, I'm unable to see what is going wrong?
Can anyone throw...
Sorry, I should mentioned that I got the query running. Since then I've added some more updates:
UPDATE Importaci?n_DT_Salida LEFT JOIN Deposito_Temporal_Entrada ON Importaci?n_DT_Salida.AUTORIZACI?N = Deposito_Temporal_Entrada.Autorizaci?n SET Deposito_Temporal_Entrada.Bultos_Vivo =...
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