Thanks a lot for your input. I kind of do the same stuff in mine. I guess thats the way, in spite of which the TestConnectivity() is always FALSE. you could look at the code below. I dont understand when the user credentials are perfect... why should it say 'Login Failed'. How else can I...
I have my simple VB.net code thats got an external .rpt file (created using CR8.5) attached. I am using the LogonInfo for tables I use in my report. When I do the TestConnectivity() after ApplyLogonInfo() method, I invariably FALSE.
Actually my userid, password, servername, dbname are perfect...
Yes. This was somewhat similar to one of my couple of options but had some worries. Since I am new to the technology ... I was unsure of it.
Option1.. YOUR METHOD.
My XML doc is validated against a schema. So
I got the method of appending the error mesg string to output to the user but the...
Oh ... Ok.
So there is no way we can list all the errors in the xml document to the users!!!
my users are uploading the document and if they had made 10 errors at 10 different places in the doc, I wanted to list them for users so that its easy to make changes at one go rather than giving the...
I am parsing (validating) an xml document against a schema file using MSXML4.0 and ASP.
Is it possible to capture all the errors that the xml doc has against the schema?
I tried doing "on error resume next" but still it brings only the first error and halts
could someone help me...
I am very new to XML. Infact doing my very first coding.
I am following the book "Beginning XML" - David Hunter
My questions:
Qn. While writing XML schema file... I noticed using this name space...xsd="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema in the book.
Is this the latest? how to know...
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