So here's what I have,
I bought an enclosure and a standard 80 gig harddrive. my enclosure has both usb and firewire connections. Right now I am in school, and I am frequently switching from mac to pc. I formatted my harddrive through fat32 so that the harddrive could be used on both platforms...
okay so here is my problem,
on my website I have clickable graphic(thumbnails)and I have them opening through javascript in flash(2004) using this code:
on (release) {
So I used fscommand to load a movie through bat, with pc. That works great but now I want to have the same effect with mac, and I'm trying to figure out the applescript and suggestions?
Sorry I didn't write back but I tried to email you but the message didn't go through so I posted a zip onto a website.
Thanks again anf let me know if you didn't get it.
Weird, as far as I can tell it should work, "about" is the frame label. I can' t seem to get it to work, oh by the way I looking at some other posts of your on fscommand, it really helped me out.
So If I were to have this code on the external swf would it work?
or to I need an event handler?
K I'm going to try to describe this as accurate as I can,
I have a project where we want a transition animation between scenes(that is not controlled by the user) so in a seperate scene I have the animation swf being loaded and I want the swf to be unloaded at the end of the animation and then...
I'm looking for some help, I want to have a loaded xml image link to a website, but I'm not sure about the code. If anyone know could you please let me know
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